man carrying a heavy cross

Cathy 2022-03-22 09:02:28

Bergman always shows in his films almost all the heavy topics in life (love, religion, responsibility...), subjecting the characters in his films to all this and subjecting his audience to the same torment without giving The final solution, perhaps he himself does not know the final answer. No, it should be said that there is no final solution to a problem in life. We linger in his films, thinking. I keep thinking about it in my own life, forever.
My film revolves around the plot of my daughter suffering from an incurable mental illness. At this time, my father chose to escape (incessant travel), and even chose to commit suicide at one point. The most terrible thing is that, out of the writer's instinct, he could not control and secretly observe the process of his daughter's collapse, in order to make it the material for his writing, thus directly aggravating the daughter's condition. The younger brother chose to listen to his elder sister's sorrow and pain quietly, but he fell into the vortex of infidelity in adolescence. (He also has his own pain, and it is difficult to communicate with his father). Personally, I think that the husband in the movie is the most sympathetic character besides his sister. Because of his wife's illness and his unspeakable pain (the wife is cold and unable to have sex with him), he continues to choose to embrace himself with great love sick wife.
The following are some of my views on the details of the movie. In a scene in the movie, I think the son, who cannot communicate with his father normally, uses this scene to criticize the father's evasion of responsibility implicitly. Therefore, the father is expressing his right to After the praise of the play, he fell into deep silence. At the end of the movie, the wife is in an empty house waiting for the coming of God. My understanding is that when the wife cannot solve her own problems, she blindly yearns for the coming of God to solve her own problems. But the wife only saw an ugly spider in the end. The terrible desires of human beings are hypocritical living and the evil in the subconscious is a spider. God is silent until then, and he will know all about it - "1 Corinthians" (thanks to Douyou 100200)
I think, here God wants to tell his wife , she was wrong to want God to solve all her problems.
The most shocking scene in the movie where the father is in pain in a dark room. The father poses in the shape of a cross. Yes! Life is full of heavy crosses!
Regarding the title of the film "Still in the Mirror", I understand it as "the complexity of human nature is like looking at yourself in a mirror, you always know only the face but not the inside". The movie ends after the daughter is sent to a mental hospital after another episode of illness. I don't think it's a tragic ending.
Because in the movie the family goes swimming together, and compliments them with unpalatable gifts from their father. By performing a play-within-a-play that welcomes the father home (although it is a veiled expression of criticism of the father, it is also an exchange of love. It is like a quarrel between a couple) to express their determination to be connected by love. .
As my father said, "God is with us through love." (The son also reached a face-to-face communication with his father at this time)
So I think this ending is hopeful, although it is only a silver lining.

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Extended Reading

Through a Glass Darkly quotes

  • Fredrik: I'm an artist.

    Karin: Artist?

    Fredrik: Yes, Princess, a thoroughbred artist: a poet with no poems, a painter with no pictures, a musician with no music. I despise ready... made art, the banal result of vulgar effort. My life is my work and dedicated to my love for you.

  • Karin: Funny, you always say and do the very right thing... and it's always wrong.