I remember when I was young

Erika 2022-03-23 09:01:56

This very zhuangbility theme has nothing to do with this film. Just because this is the first JA adaptation I've seen, in my early teens.
Remembering EMMA's forbearance, I fell in love with Shakespeare's "Love is the beacon of eternity". The sisters who watched the film together are now scattered all over the world, in arts and sciences, architecture, electronics, machinery, and philosophy. As if life were a bunch of flowers, closely connected at the very beginning but no one could stop it from each other.
About the film. Finding a Chinese person to guide a British classical novel is a perfect fit. The forbearance, subtlety and romance of Chinese classical and 18th-century England are like city ultimatum and gears facing each other across the sea, and they fit just right. Perhaps there is no other nation that can understand each other's restraint so fundamentally.

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Sense and Sensibility quotes

  • Mrs Jennings: I declare, they are the loveliest girls I ever set eyes on. Can you not get them married, Mrs. Dashwood?

  • Marianne: "Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove. Oh no! It is an ever fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken." Willoughby. Willoughby. Willoughby.