"Flying Song" tells the story of a small-town girl Terry Fletcher (Hilary Duff), a talented singing talent, in pursuit of her dream. Teri has a good voice since she was a child. She loves singing very much, and her dream is to devote herself to the singing career. She took the first step towards her quest by becoming the lead singer of a church choir in a quiet and peaceful town. At this time, her understanding brother also secretly applied for a summer program at the elite Los Angeles Performing Arts School for her, trying to surprise her. Who knows, the real accident happened. Before the application was approved, her brother was killed in a car accident...
Terry's heart was broken, and her brother who usually loved her suddenly left her. As soon as she left, she seemed to have lost all motivation. But she soon cheered up, because she knew that only by living up to her brother's expectations could she truly comfort his spirit in heaven. Despite her father's strong opposition and her mother's secret help, she decides to travel alone to Los Angeles to pursue her years-long dream. When he first arrived in a big city, everything was so different from his previous living environment. Terry had to adapt to this new lifestyle and urban rhythm. The story revolves around her troubles in school due to her lack of formal music education and love life...
Soon, the end of the semester comes, and students are nervously preparing for their own $10,000 year-end scholarships. Final performance. Teri is teamed up with another student, Jay (Oliver James), and they have some romantic interludes. At the last minute, Teri finally let go of the fears and anxieties that lurked in her heart, unleashed her musical passion under the spotlight, and finally played their own voice with Oliver James. .
However, at the end of the story, hoho~~~ They failed to get the scholarship, a friend of the scholarship winner Terri, a girl whose life is not without danger. .
Personal evaluation:
First of all, I prefer Hilary Duff
. Second, I prefer American college youth movies.
Furthermore, I don't hate
the three together. I don't want to give a recommendation. . .
The content of the film is described above, and everyone's understanding may be different. . In my opinion, the protagonist has gone through hardships and finally overcome his psychological fear, and this is probably the most important point. .
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