In fact, life is full of surprises, isn't it?

Sincere 2022-04-12 09:01:11

Japanese filmmakers have a long history of using a variety of slow, almost motionless shots to evoke feelings, emotions and grief that seem to have been repressed for a long time. The black piano plays a heavy sonata, just like the destructive ocean monsoon passing through.

For an ordinary family, what is a desperate situation?

The man who is the mainstay is unfortunately laid off by the company; the rebellious eldest son insists on joining the army; the melancholy young son secretly takes food to learn the piano; Incessant reincarnation. The story narrated in this film may seem extreme, but it is actually the normal state of this society - the unsatisfactory things in life are almost nine times out of ten, and the artistic creation originating from life has the distinctive rhyme and background of the world. Then, how to face all kinds of desperation? In order to deal with these complex entanglements, the director chose a more extreme "shock therapy" - if this person has been lingering on the cliff but persisted, you might as well push him directly and let him fall rapidly In the process of experiencing the moment of life and death, and then in the perfection like "bungee jumping", the reversal of thinking, the reshaping of emotions and the rebirth of personality are unfolded.

Although a lot of dramatic events were buried in the process, the director insisted on retaining the reality of the ending - the family as the protagonist did not return to the happy past in the end, nor did they get any surreal rewards - time cannot be turned back , the fact has not been changed, the only thing they can do is to continue to support and bear each other, continue to survive tenaciously. Perhaps, this is the essence of "life" that is reflected after putting aside all kinds of gorgeously decorated material elements.

The piano piece at the end is just right, it's great. I like this kind of destructive piano sound. It is like touching a warm wall on a cloudy day. It makes people realize that even in the rough and cold cement cracks in the city, there is still a little possibility of sunshine. .

In fact, life is full of surprises, isn't it?

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Extended Reading

Tokyo Sonata quotes

  • Megumi Sasaki: Screw your authority.

  • Megumi Sasaki: How wonderful it would be if my whole life so far turns out to have been a dream, and suddenly I wake up and I'm someone else entirely.