Kankan "Black 7" everyone's nationality

Sigrid 2022-12-16 09:07:30

The content of this article is pure bullshit.
If you can get it all in, it's really awesome!

One: About the organization of "Black" and others

The producer of this film once said that the organization of "Black" is not a Chinese, and its base may be in Brazil. Some people use this sentence to prove that "Black" is not Chinese. This statement is not correct. In fact, whether "black" is Chinese or not does not affect the establishment of the producer's statement, because many members of this organization use a Chinese character as a code name (such as "black", "white", "silver", "yellow") , "Cat", etc.), they come from different countries and regions ("Silver" is from Northern Europe, and "Yellow" is from Japan, they are not from the same country), the original meaning of the producer's words should be that this organization was not established by China , and its base is in Brazil, it does not mean that they are Brazilians, and according to the setting of this anime, "In South America, the war that broke out because of the HEAVENS GATE destroyed all South American countries." Obviously there will be a paradise for all careerists.

2: From China

black (Li Shunsheng): Li is a "Chinese", there is basically no doubt about this. Judging from his living habits and the characteristics of being good at Chinese cuisine, he is indeed a descendant of the Chinese (Li is definitely not a Korean Man, when two Japanese women invited him to join a religion in an episode, they asked him if he was Korean, and Li Man casually denied it, and he didn't have to lie), however, the question is whether Li is "Chinese" of. In fact, most of the contractors trained in the organization bases in South America have become stateless people, but I personally believe that the Chinese passport held by Li is not a fake, which is probably the reason why he has never revealed his identity in Japan. One...

Bai (Li Xin): Li Shunsheng's younger sister, the animation version only mentions her name as "XIN", but it is definitely a Chinese name, which also proves that Li Shunsheng is indeed Chinese, and " "Hei" directly addressed her by her Chinese name in private, which showed that she was indeed called this name, and not a possibly forged identity like "Li Shunsheng".

Wei Zhijun, Wang Shaotang, Alice Wang: There is absolutely no doubt that these are Chinese.

Two: it may come from China

Cat: I believe everyone has noticed that the pronunciations of "silver" and "yellow" are written as "GIN" and "FAN" in the character information, but "black", "white" and "cat" are "HEI". , "BAI", "MAO", according to the Japanese pronunciation, it should be "KURO", "HAKU", "NEKO" (especially the pronunciation of "white", see the "white" in "Naruto" for details) , and the relationship between "Black" and "Cat" is particularly harmonious (obviously better than with the other two), which may imply that they are from the same country? Of course, this is just me in YY. According to the author's setting, "Cat" turned out to be a middle-aged professor, and the specific nationality is unknown.

Wang Taiming and Wang Lihua: The restaurant that Li Shunsheng often goes to is run by the father and daughter. Judging from the names, the ancestral home of the two should be China, and Li should go there for Chinese food, but it is difficult to tell from the animation version. This is a Chinese restaurant. In the CAST table at the end of the film, the Japanese names are all surnames next to the first names, while the Chinese have an empty space between the first and last names, which means that the father and daughter are at least not Japanese.

3: Nationality of "Silver"

Silver: In the play, "Silver" was originally a person from "a certain Nordic country". The Nordic countries include: Sweden, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Åland. In addition, England and Prussia are also closely related to Northern Europe, which is located in northern Germany today and is one of the origins of Norse mythology. "Silver"'s house when she was a child is very similar to the house in Finland or Sweden. In addition, "Silver"'s original name is "Kirsi", which is a very common Finnish name, so she is very likely to be Finnish.

エーリス: Silver's piano teacher when he was a child should also be from Finland.

Four: From Japan

Huang: Needless to say about his nationality, he must be from Japan. His original name is Jiu Nengjie (also translated as "Kuno Kiyoshi"), and he is a Japanese policeman. It can be said that he is the most definite nationality among the four protagonists. One.

Misaki, Kanami, Mayu, Shihoko, Mai, Kai, Kiko, the Fourth Division of Foreign Affairs of the Public Security Department of the Metropolitan Police Department, personnel from the Astronomy Department...: Needless to say.

エリック Nishijima: This should be Japanese, the man with glasses who was finally silenced by the "organization".

"Qianjing": The female DOLL who was killed in order to protect "Black" in episode 2, works for the French Foreign Security Administration and has a good relationship with Louis. She seems to be Japanese, but I don't know if she has French nationality?

Hoshimi: The old lady in the Astronomy Department who read some pretentious poems should be Japanese.


Jack Simon from the UK (November11): Serving in the British Intelligence Service, there should be no problem with being British.

April, July: The two partners of November11 also seem to be British (it is not surprising that there are black people in the UK, there were many Africans who immigrated to Europe to live, such as football star Zidane is Algerian).

Decade: The boss of November11 et al.

Amber: It used to serve the British Intelligence Service. The code name of the organization is "February". It is unknown whether it is British, but since he can become a British agent, he must have "used" British nationality.

Six: From

Louis, France: The contractor who first appeared in the first episode of the animation, the one killed by the "black", worked for the French Foreign Security Agency.

Jean: The one whose contract price is "arranging the pebbles correctly", and some of his comrades, must also be French.

ルーコ: The one who was killed by "black" after killing Mai Kashiwagi's father, the nationality is not clearly stated, this episode mentioned the United Kingdom, I don't know whether he is French or British, the former is more likely.

PS: By the way, the image of the French in the play is really not bad. Generally speaking, people in Hafa will be anti-British, and people in Ha Ying will be anti-French. Could it be that this author is also like this?


Nick from the United States: The foreigner in the institute who likes to watch the stars, the contract price is "turning the object's shoes upside down", working for the CIA, possibly an American.

カリーナ·モク: The female sweeper who was killed by Nick in the research institute, working for the CIA, the data sheet shows that she is "Chinese"...

Blitta: The woman who can teleport, serves in the US embassy, ​​maybe there is American?

Eight: From

Yitzhak , Russia: The one who can absorb the "observation spirit" at the price of "writing poetry" works for the Russian Federal Security Service, so he should be a Russian.

Belda: The fat woman around Yitzhak may also be from Russia. The nature of these two people does not seem to be too bad, but they are enemies of the protagonist, so they are not destined to die.

Nine: From other areas

ミーナ: It is the woman with brown skin in the scientific research institute. From the appearance, she may be Indians. According to this, she should be from the Americas.

Crimson: A red-haired woman aka "Hubock" who killed many people in South America before moving to Eastern Europe, probably in Romania.

Ten: It's hard to confirm...

Maggie: That kid with two eyes of different colors was killed by November11 in the end.

Rain and Mist: A brawny guy who often acts with Amber, and fights Mai Kashiwagi in the final episodes.

Kapru: The one who can live in others, the body he used when he appeared was that of Norio Ukiyama, a Japanese, but it is impossible to determine which country he is from.

リチャード: The foreigner killed by Wei Zhijun was from the Qinglong Gang.

セルゲイ: The scientist in the research institute, Miana's boss, is actually the backbone of the "organization".

Mad Scientist: It's the old BT who was kidnapped by all parties...

Leader Aluma: The price of the contract is the opposite of Amber.

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