it's a social problem

Garfield 2022-03-24 09:01:42

Have to admit that watching this movie was drawn to its title. However, according to the translation of its English name, the title of the film should be "Lass and the "Real" Girl. But it is undeniable that the translation is not the work of literal translation. What they need to add is the artistic concept~ So the translation of "Inflatable Doll" directly highlights the key points and deepens the selling points, which successfully attracted the belief that not only me The eyeballs of the audience, including a person.

However, when the movie starts, the whole atmosphere is not as lustful as expected (I'm used to watching movies without reading any related introductions...). Even when LARS's sister-in-law ran to knock on the door to block the car and LARS was forced to go to his brother's house for dinner, I began to wonder if I downloaded the wrong movie or if the movie and the name didn't match the right seat. And LARS did not show any interest in the free matching inflatable doll website highly recommended by colleagues.

Until one day, that LARS, who was usually reluctant to communicate and used to avoid crowds, knocked on the door of his brother's house. He enthusiastically described a girl who was about to move in to his brother and sister-in-law. The girl's family background, personality, habits and even preferences Wait, his eager emotions made his elder brother and sister-in-law finally think that this younger brother is starting to get out of his isolation and return to this social society.

But the "girl" my brother brought really surprised everyone. That is a real inflatable doll. Although she has a detailed background introduction, has very realistic facial features and impressive figure, and even her weight is the same as a normal person, she is, after all, a mindless, bloodless, fleshless doll. Inflatable doll, and she was born to provide some kind of special service to men.

If this thing really happened to us, I am afraid that the whole development logic will be completely different from the movie.

How can you accept an inflatable doll with no words and no manners as your lovely neighbor? Can you talk to her like a real person and listen to her? Do you even have to take care of her like a disabled person?

Yet LARS' actions forced those around him to do so. He speaks to BE with peace of mind, listens to BE's emotions quietly, and creates a dialogue between two people in one person's world. He also took BE to the places he used to go when he was a child, and told BE about his childhood and past, as if BE could really understand his heart and his thoughts.

Yes, BE's thoughts are his own, how could BE not understand him.

Fortunately, the elder brother and sister-in-law, doctors and even the residents and relatives who love LARS silently accept the LARS inflatable doll. They indulge the relationship between LARS and her. I am happy to interact with people, and on the one hand I am embarrassed and helpless about the publicity of this sexual product that should not be in public places.

What is even more fortunate is that the meaning of BE's existence is just a springboard for LARS to return from the individual to the whole. The communication relationship gradually formed with other people through BE made LARS no longer afraid of interacting with people, thus overcoming the fear of the past. Although he did not see whether he really regarded her as a real girl, or whether he subconsciously accepted this identity but pretended to be ignorant, when he returned to a normal life, the meaning of BE was lost. So LARS personally created BE's death. He made BE lose consciousness, and his health gradually deteriorated. In the end, he personally let her die by the lake.

Some people say LARS is cruel.

I think LARS is still kind. Maybe we are too evil, maybe inflatable dolls themselves should not be given any meaning. Who said inflatable dolls were born to serve the sex industry? When it was LARS, he always respected BE and did not offend her at all.

In fact, it is not BE that helps LARS return to society, BE can only be a carrier. What really helped him were the people around him who accepted him and BE. They began to care about LARS, understand LARS, and get close to LARS with a tolerant heart, and it was the people who gradually entered the sight of others that gave LARS a sense of existence. LARS is really back.

There are not many inflatable dolls in the world, and not many people dare to use this carrier, but there are many lonely and autistic people.

Shouldn't we wait for the day when inflatable dolls appear, and take the initiative to care for these people around us?


Thank you for the social issues that "Love of Inflatable Dolls" has shown us.

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Extended Reading

Lars and the Real Girl quotes

  • Lars Lindstrom: I was talking to Bianca, and she was saying that in her culture they have these rites of passages and rituals and cermonies, and, just all kinds of things that, when you do them, go through them, let you know that you're an adult? Doesn't that sound great?

    Gus: It does.

    Lars Lindstrom: How'd you know?

    Gus: How'd I know what?

    Lars Lindstrom: That you were a man

    Gus: Ahhh. I couldn't tell ya.

    Lars Lindstrom: Was it... okay, was it sex?

    Gus: Um. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's uh, yeah, yeah it's kind of - it's uh - no. Well, it's kind of sex but it's not uh, you know? I don't know. I don't know. It's - uh - good question, good question.

    Lars Lindstrom: Yeah, but I have to know

    Gus: [dryer buzzes] Hold that thought.

    Gus: [in basement] You know, you should ask Dagmar

    Lars Lindstrom: I did ask Dagmar. And she said that I should ask you.

    Gus: Okay, you know I can only give you my opinion.

    Lars Lindstrom: That's what we want

    Gus: Well, it's not like you're one thing or the other, okay? There's still a kid inside but you grow up when you decide to do right, okay, and not what's right for you, what's right for everybody, even when it hurts.

    Lars Lindstrom: Okay, like what?

    Gus: Like, you know, like, you don't jerk people around, you know, and you don't cheat on your woman, and you take care of your family, you know, and you admit when you're wrong, or you try to, anyways. That's all I can think of, you know - it sound like it's easy and for some reason it's not.

  • Reverend Bock: Lars asked us not to wear black today. He did so to remind us that this is no ordinary funeral. We are here to celebrate Bianca's extraordinary life. From her wheelchair, Bianca reached out and touched us all, in ways we could never have imagined. She was a teacher. She was a lesson in courage. And Bianca loved us all. Especially Lars. Especially him.