
Chase 2022-03-23 09:02:14

A few days ago, I saw a picture posted on a perfume blog. It just got me thinking a bit.,26849053.shtml

aramis perfume. This brand is real. . . The niche does not even have a website of its own.

This picture should be a male fragrance. I really appreciate that slogan. Aramis Talks.

I have a very strong memory of the phrase talk to me. So that every time I see it, I feel horrified.

This is because of a scene in breaking the waves.

Blessed are the viewers who haven't seen this movie, you have found another movie that you can't live without - in my opinion, it's better than "Yi Yi", I don't know why so many people like "Yi Yi".

Regarding the plot, I will post a brief introduction. - It doesn't matter if this movie is spoiled.

In Scotland in the 1970s, Beth (Emily Watson), a neurotic woman, married an oil worker, Ian (Stellan Skarsgård), despite religious constraints. . Loving life doesn't last long, and Ian is seriously injured in an oil operation and paralyzed. Beth was very distressed, and even felt that her own desires had caused the tragedy. In order to awaken her husband's vitality, Beth teases different men and has sex with them, so that Ion's illness can be conquered by the power of lust. Her husband's condition has actually improved. However, the villagers cast a scorn on Beth, and Beth was sent to a mental hospital. The belief in sacrificing for love burns strongly in Beth's heart and will once again drive her into a corner.

I didn't finish the film, I stopped abruptly when I saw the first nude scene. ——This shows from the side how evil the director of "Farewell to the Piano" is. The nakedness is so gradual that I have seen the end. ——What

I want to say is precisely this nude scene.

When her husband told Bess that she wanted to have sex with someone else, Jane first went to her psychiatrist.

Before this scene, I always thought it was a botched psychiatrist, keeping a patient like Bess off the hook.

As a result, at a certain moment of lightning, Bess suddenly took off himself completely, and when he gestured to the doctor with his body, the

doctor refused. He said something I'll probably never forget.

Talk to me, Bess, talk to me.

This sentence is so sad.

Bess is not the kind of woman on the Aramis poster. She was slightly neurotic, seldom smiled, and was full of hesitation, hesitation, and overwhelm with the world. - Let us recall Antonioni's "Red Desert".

That's it. The heart of some women is a barren red desert in a world of black, white and gray.

Antonioni intends to fight back against this material and mechanical society, thereby pointing out the spiritual black hole behind this world.
But no one knew how to fight the Leviathan that devoured all souls.

Of course, even the doctor's TALK TO ME can't express salvation. But it shows an attitude.
A healing light source.

————————————I am the dividing line ————————————

I used to call a long distance every night for an hour each time.
Although I don't like to talk, although I was habitually silent after that, I began to sigh at the world.

But now I still understand that it represents an attitude, a will.

That is talk to me.

From a certain point of view, maybe I can't give more, but I am willing to give a kind of permission to talk to me.

Whenever and wherever, no matter what the situation may be in the future, I would like to say to someone, talk to me.

It's not to snoop on the news, it's not to complain that Yichun Yuyan has no news. Not digging.

Nor is it just listening. It shouldn't just be that.

Rather, I am always on your side.
I don't care what you can give me or what you need, I just want to do it for your own good.
Even if you are really in front of me, no matter if you are naked like Bess, dressed like Shen Bijun, weeping like Zixia Fairy, or smiling like Fangfang, I just want to take a picture Sit down in the chair, look you in the eyes, say, tell me.

However, Bess finally chose to talk to herself.

And the doctor, maybe he did nothing.

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Extended Reading

Breaking the Waves quotes

  • The Minister: I would say to you that if there is one of these commandments you do not love and do not obey, you have no business at the Lord's table.

  • The Minister: Can you think of anything of real value that the outsiders have brought with them?

    Bess McNeill: Uh... their music!