The film lives up to its name. .

Brice 2022-03-22 09:02:28

It's that English name. . Although the Chinese name seems to capture the central idea, it doesn't feel that way.

I thought when I just watched it. . ahh. . Why should such mutual betrayal be praised?
But look it up and you'll know. . love. . When two people really love each other. . Nothing can stop it. . Love is not a primitive impulse. . Nor is it a short-lived spark. . Sparkling & lasting

several shots. .
Empire State Building. . see this. . Reminds me of old
French towns in New York. . Thinking of going over there. . It is really beautiful and quiet. .
Everything is so natural. . .

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An Affair to Remember quotes

  • Terry McKay: We were talking about the place where I was born...

    Nickie Ferrante: I can hardly wait for you to grow up.

  • Terry McKay: I'm getting married and I want you to be the first to congratulate me.

    NYC Cab Driver: Marriage is something to rush to?