The feelings are warm and painful. A movie that ends the mission like forcing me to go to the market

Tre 2022-03-26 09:01:06

1. The first time I jumped faster than this movie and watched it. The old pig asked me how I felt. No. I promised to watch it carefully and then report it to him.
The second time is over. In. A moment of suffocation. After the game AMIR ran to Hassen. And pretended to be ignorant. Or when AMIR ran to the ruins to find something Hassen threw at him. I want to beat him... I know he will pay for it. Guilty 2.

I always feel that there are a lot of things missing in the movie. The details of the plot link. After all, it is a movie I can understand. All the plots are compressed into 120 minutes. I can also delicately write the emotions that make people tearful. It is quite difficult. You should read the original novel again.

3. The missing plots in the movie. For example: when AMIR and his father fled Afghanistan. The driver later let them get into the oil tanker. But the plot in the oil tanker did not play out; the

original: There is little oxygen in the tank truck. Many people died due to lack of oxygen. AMIR and his father met the boy who used to be Assef's accomplice and his father in the dark and oxygen-deficient oil tank. The dialogue revealed that the boy was also insulted by Assef... Then the boy died..

A lot less. Less of these. It seems that the author does not feel hatred for the Taliban. Anger. Depression.

4. From a movie perspective Look. The director is very attentive. It's not like a novel that can be described in detail. I didn't understand the first paragraph when the three boys threatened Hasson and pressed him on the ground. I thought he was unleashed and pulled him. SHIT. Contact Sobora again about the dialogue .OH MY GOD Afghanistan. Girl I am ignorant. Child abuse is a sensitive topic in the movie and the audience understands it. I will feel worried because the focus of the plot shifts. The theme wants to highlight the emotions. War. Growth. Atonement It is the most valuable and the most prominent. Such themes should be distinguished from commercial blockbusters. Use restlessness as a selling point to increase the ratings.

5. It can be seen that the movie has edited a lot of clips. The feelings are very warm but it is more painful. Because it has always been like being accelerated and pulled forward by the movie. The heart-wrenching and shocking scene. Even looking forward to it. A little disappointed. AMIR's father bought him a car. He didn't explain why his father and his father set up a stall to sell things. After his extremely fast wedding, his respected father died of illness.

6. Some Don't understand. I see hero ink. Is it 1978.

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The Kite Runner quotes

  • Amir: [explaining Sohrab's presence] You see, General Sahib, my father slept with his servant's wife, and she bore him a son named Hassan. Hassan is dead now. That boy sleeping in the other room is Hassan's son. He's my nephew. That's what you tell people when they ask. And one more thing, General Sahib: you will never again refer to him as "a Hazara boy" in my presence. He has a name, and it's Sohrab.

  • Baba: [as Dr. Starobin examines him] Where are you from?

    Dr. Starobin: I grew up in Michigan. Came out here for medical school. Once you get used to that California sunshine...

    Baba: But your family?

    Dr. Starobin: My family? We're originally from Russia.

    [Baba shoves him away, and is next seen with a different doctor]