Anyway, be brave

Davonte 2022-03-22 09:02:25

Dear Eric, I want to call you that name because that's who you are.
Everyone must be brave to be themselves, although you have to choose to be Jack, but you still have to be brave, and have more courage than everyone!
There is no way to forget the problems that everyone faced in the past. The key is to deal with the relationship between your thoughts and reality, and you can't let yourself get stuck and can't get out. Shrinking in the corner is just a temporary feeling, but you must stand up bravely.
You have a brother, you have a girlfriend, you have a good job, what a good new life. To solve psychological problems, it is only a matter of time. Facing the eyes of others, be brave.

In fact, from everyone's point of view, everything makes sense. It's just whether we can accept what other people do.
A lot of pressure comes from the media, crazy reports, your photos appear on the front page because of previous events. From the perspective of the media, they are to report the events that readers care about the most. Since everyone cares about the appearance of Eric becoming Jack, the media has reason to report it. Those readers can understand it, they are just curious.
But girlfriends, brothers, they accept Jack to become Eric, it took you so long to accept yourself, so you have to allow others to have time to accept it. The truth should say so, so you have to be brave.
You are very happy, you have Terry to support you with all his strength, you know, he loves you more than his own children! Do you have the heart to let him be heartbroken for you? It's a responsibility! man A's responsibility!

What we need is calm and think about it, everyone has their own position.
Of course, it is the most perfect for everyone to consider issues from the standpoint of others. In this case, everyone will accept you. If everyone considers issues from your standpoint, they will be tolerant of you. The world is so cold. But everyone doesn't think that way, and neither do you, but you're not brave enough, so you chose to leave.

In any case, be brave, everyone is a very strong individual, you don't have to shine on others, just accept yourself.

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Boy A quotes

  • Michelle: [showing her breasts posing for Jack's photograph] What?

    Jack Burridge: [laughing] You're fucking nuts. Carry on. Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!

  • Michelle: [about Jack's local hero news in the paper] Hey hero! Look what I've got!

    Jack Burridge: [embarrassed] Horrible, horrible.