
Kaitlyn 2022-03-22 09:01:55

This is a movie that maybe men will never understand just for girls. Regarding the mutual care, support, and dependence between girls, there will also be friction, conflict, sensitivity, and a little bit of selfishness and jealousy at the same time. Because it is not perfect, because it is real, it is more moving.
If you also have such a good friend, you must be moved by these.
For example, when LIV is shopping outside, he will buy clothes that are suitable for EMMA and put them in the closet. Give it to E, and E will know from the small details such as the tags on the clothes that have not been cut off, in fact, L bought it for her.
They would dream of being the bride in June together since they were children, and they would be each other's bridesmaids, they would run together in the morning, they would go shopping together arm in arm, and they would comfort each other in their own way when they were lost.
Seeing them smiling and looking at each other before entering the wedding venue, watching them fight without any scruples at the wedding, and watching their hugs after the contradictions are resolved, all made me cry and laugh in bed alone.
These familiar little plots remind me of those of mine. I have always been very fortunate that from childhood to adulthood, it seems that there will be one or a few of them by my side.
For example, the group of them who spent 10 years of happy childhood together, we went to school together after school together, jumped rubber bands together, played in the mud, played at home together, went to the back hill for a picnic together, and stayed in front of the TV on Sunday afternoons Looking at the tangram, there are many, many times together, because of them, I have such a childhood that I miss so far.
For example, in middle school, those who studied together, studied, took exams, read books and chatted in the fields behind the school, during those dull and fulfilling 6 years, our friendship was also silently precipitating, and I remember encountering questions that I didn’t understand. She guided me patiently, remembered her intimate comfort when the exam was not ideal and sad alone, remembered the delicate red bracelet she knitted for me in her spare time, remembered the future we talked about in a quilt, remembered her, and remembered them. . .
For example, those who went to study in an unfamiliar city together, the glutinous rice chicken breakfast she bought for me, she insisted on accompany me to the hospital before the exam, she invited me and my friends from afar to eat, she and I insisted on a few Jogging in the school playground for months, her help, her company, her thoughtfulness, and her concern. . .
For example, those who are struggling together in this city, her encouragement at a certain moment, her hug at a certain moment, the warm little hand she stretched out at a certain moment, her phone call in a certain late night, she was in a certain moment Invitation for the weekend. . .
Thank you for accompanying me through different times. Although life is divided, although we are always running around in different places, although we are not in the same city, and although we do not meet often in the same city, we know that we are concerned in our hearts, and we understand it without saying it. A simple message, a greeting or a long late night chat, I know we are still together and still feel your smile.
There may be such a person in the world who knows you better than you. It is a blessing to meet her. Please understand and cherish it.

Of course, this film is not only touching by friendship, but also by LIV's love. The one who would wait for his confession at LIV impatiently ran to his office to ask him directly in person and he magically pulled out that delicate ring to tease her, 'Look, you can't wait for tonight. This is you I love, impatient. 'Stay quietly and considerately by the side when she is sad and say, 'You must miss your friend. If she is here, she will know how to comfort you.' ' made her laugh when she said 'I like a smurf so tall and sexy' when she was annoyed by EMMA's blue hair. When she and EMMA were fighting on the carpet at the wedding, he would know how to let them go and not stop them, because he knew that only then their problems would be solved, but he always did not forget to carefully pull LIV from the ground at the end.

Recently, it is always easy to be moved by some small details, and the so-called happiness may be these details, maybe it is. . .
Maybe when he took you on the bus, he would tell the car at the back to be careful and wave goodbye outside the window until the car drove off the platform;
maybe when you took him on the bus, he would suddenly turn around and say, go back. Be careful on the road;
Maybe when two people ride the bus together, you can sleep with peace of mind, don't worry about your bags being stolen, and don't worry about taking a stop;
maybe when two people cross the road together, he will say in a very bad and anxious tone, you hurry up. Go this way, he will walk on the side of the direction where the car is driving to block the approaching vehicles for you;
maybe when two people have dinner together, he will take out his wallet and pay for it without hesitation, you know it is his He will also smile and let you buy one or two orders at your insistence, you know that is respect for you;
perhaps it is a message in the morning after an overnight heavy rain at night, asking if you slept well yesterday, Will it be disturbed by the rain?
Maybe it’s just a phone call in the middle of every overtime night, no matter how busy you are, to chat for a while, the concerns in his heart and the emotions in my heart are clear to each other through the phone even though I didn’t say it;
maybe When I was shopping, I saw some small snacks such as chocolate and lollipops, although I didn’t like them very much, but I wanted to buy them because I could share them with him inadvertently;
maybe it was just two people sitting next to them in a lively square. On the small concrete steps, listening to songs, chatting, studying palmistry...
Maybe it is to go to a friend's house for the night, and he will ask if he slept well the next day, because he is afraid that it will be too crowded for two people to sleep in one bed. ...
Perhaps when a person goes to an unfamiliar place, he thinks of borrowing a friend's mobile phone to send MMS and photos to share with you...
There are many details that we may need to discover, and then record while moving...

After watching the movie , I suddenly thought of a 51-year-old friend's wedding. I moved a few times from childhood to adulthood, but I am still a friend of the neighbors. The first place I stayed in Shenzhen was when I saw her like this. friend. Send her a message, say this movie, think of her, and wish her happiness. . .

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Bride Wars quotes

  • Emma: You're only human. You don't have to have it together every minute of every day.

  • Liv: [Liv just realised her hair has been dyed blue, after Emma switched the hair colours] My hair is blue! IT'S *BLUE*!