Wish I had that moment too

Chaz 2022-03-22 09:02:02

Suddenly I wanted to try my speakers with electronic music, and then I discovered the music of VANGEIUS, and then I discovered this movie, which took two days to download on EMUL. After lunch, I lay in a chair and read it quietly. . .

I saw ERIC holding his head high, his mouth wide open, and his hair fluttering back in the final moments of the game. . . I burst into tears. . . God's gift. . .

Everyone doesn't want to have a runway that they are enchanted with, and run out of their talents to the fullest. . .

Just like Jacques in the blue sea and the sky, he resolutely sank into the deep sea. . .

I want the dust to dissipate and
I dissipate. . .

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Chariots of Fire quotes

  • Harold M. Abrahams: Gentlemen, you yearn for victory just as I do. But achieved with the apparent effortlessness of gods. Yours are the archaic values of the prep-school playground. You deceive no one but yourselves. I believe in the pursuit of excellence - and I'll carry the future with me.

  • Lord Birkenhead: You Americans have a number of men who are rated as world-beaters; but, this contest is in Europe, not in the rarefied climes of the United States.