Simple stories, complex questions

Ibrahim 2022-03-23 09:03:16

The big red lantern hangs high

I didn't expect this to be a movie that touched me so much.

Women, humanity, power, life, meaning...

so many questions come to my mind.

Strict hierarchy, strict rules.
In the deep courtyard of the rich man's house, the masters, the first, second, third, and fourth wives, the housekeeper, and the maids, are clearly hierarchically stratified. There are insurmountable restrictions and various obligations that cannot be shied away between the ranks, but there is no equal right. Of course, except for the master who calls the wind and calls the rain.

Rules, there are so many groups of rules uploaded in a family, and they have to be strictly enforced from generation to generation. Light the lights, beat the feet, order food, turn off the lights, and turn off the lights. The lights are on, the whole room is full of light, but not the light in people's hearts. The lights went out, and everything fell into darkness.

The deceiver will seal the lamp, the traitor will die, and the one who steals the lamp will kneel and burn the lamp. . . These punishments are chilling. Life becomes extremely fragile when the lights are on and off. A life is equivalent to a lamp in that deep house. It's never up to you to decide whether to turn on or off, and it's not up to you to decide when it's on, everything is in the hands of others. The limitations of rules and the lack of power make people only here as a lamp without self-control.

Intrigue is everywhere, intrigue is everywhere.
Bodhisattva face and knife heart, friendly on the surface but cruel on the back. The struggle between women is for favor, for status, and for lighting up the lamp. You can do anything for your own interests, or your wife and maid can collude with other wives, there is nothing sinister that cannot be done. When it comes to this, it is no longer called sinister poison, everything is just a means. It's a small house, a small family, but everyone is calculating with each other. There is no trust here, only jealousy, jealousy, exploitation and revenge. When people are in the courtyard, what they see every day is the overlapping walls, but what they think about is how to trick others. . .

Power and the meaning
of When you light a lamp, you can order food, and you can get the respect of your servants. This is power. To live is to see which courtyard the master lights up every day... I spend my spare time intrigue...

Just live like this, if you give birth to a son, you can get more favors and live by. Life was stagnant in a courtyard, with only gray-black walls and a four-foot-square sky. Everything that I have experienced, reading or life in the world, is no longer meaningful. When I am in the mood, I am entertaining myself, and when I am helpless, it is also the capital of self-deprecating. Back then, Hua gradually passed away in this narrow space, and the goal and pleasure of life were just lighting the lamp, so is there any difference between humans and animals? What do people look like here, like cats and dogs, but not like people. The thinking of the brain is only used for the open and secret struggle between a few people, so what is the so-called value of the brain?

A woman is nothing but an item. The
wife can marry one after another, and the unruly can be punished by family law. Life and death are decided by the master, not to mention whether you are crazy or insane. Marry into this door, you can have endless clothes and dishes, but like pets, they no longer have their own ideas. When a woman struggles for more than ten years just to marry into a wealthy family, and finally realizes it, but in exchange for such a life, then the value of the previous struggle has to be re-evaluated.

In this compound, there is only one real person, the master. The others are nothing but devices that obey the master, such as robots. The difference between humans and robots is that robots will be obedient and will not resist. Over time, people who still have brains will go crazy, and those who are not crazy are the survivors whose brains have died more than half.

In fact , living in such a yard, if you don't find something to do, you will really go crazy, or you will become an idiot. So whether it is stealing or incest, it is all forced by circumstances. Thinking of "Thunderstorm", or the plot in "The Golden Armor of the City", from another angle, in such a depressing environment, it is impossible not to incest. These unethical behaviors are actually just a mediation of the stress of life. Like the Japanese, their developed sex service industry is also because they live under too much pressure and need adjustment, so they have to find some ways that others seem unacceptable or even perverted.

And women, how many women dream of marrying a good man and then having a good husband and son. What a simple idea, unfortunately I can't understand it. What is the joy of doing one thing all the time, so many good things in life will be lost. Life is to continue to experience, will continue to gain. Even loss is valuable. After experiencing loss, you will grow and understand what it means to cherish. I remember that I participated in a poll on the intranet before, and I thought women were the most important, multiple-choice questions. The one with the highest number of votes is having a person who loves him deeply, followed by having independent financial ability. I chose the latter. Of course there are several other options, but forget about it. I believe that the economy is the foundation of everything, and material determines consciousness. After all, love is a spiritual thing. Although sometimes the power of the mind is very powerful, when my stomach is not full, how can I feel that powerful power.

I believe that very few men will simply want to marry and teach children all their lives. Most men want to have their own career and their own life. Men outside women inside are also the rules established by society. However, women are also human beings, so why should women focus on family. Since it is called a family, it means that it is not only one person, but a primary group composed of two or more people, so each member has the responsibility to maintain and protect it. If a woman regards the family as the whole of her life, the disturbance of the family will make her more unbearable, because she has no other carrier. Whether it is a woman or a man, it will be better if you live a richer life. If one side strikes, the other side will fall. And most importantly, life is in your own hands.

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Raise the Red Lantern quotes

  • Yan'er: Who are you?

    Housekeeper: Fourth mistress, please come inside.

    Yan'er: [losing her cool] So you're the fourth mistress!

    [Yan'er rudely pulls the water bowl away from Songlian and puts clothes in it]

    Songlian: Yes! I am the fourth mistress. Bring my suitcase inside please.

  • Songlian: I'm just one of the Master's robes. He can wear it or he can take it off.