Then he thought of American Beauty that he watched nearly 10 years ago. The girls in the film were all pouting. Say, "Gross."
View more about Superhero Movie reviews
Keith 2022-03-22 09:02:08
View more about Superhero Movie reviews
Lou Landers: [Lou Landers plots to steal cerillium from Hawkings' lab] I could just walk right in.
Dr. Strom: You're going to steal cerillium?
Lou Landers: No, not me. But perhaps there's someone inside me. Someone who will at any cost... survive!
[evil laugh, Lou picks up an hourglass and breaks it]
Lou Landers: Ow, ow! Glass in my eye! Glass in my eye!
Tom Cruise: [extended, deleted Tom Cruise scene] Y'know, uh, this "hero", this, uh, this "Dragonfly"... he's not the answer, okay? I'm the answer. I got, uh, I'm just... whew. Y'know, and, uh... heh. I'm... I'm the way to, to happiness. Okay? I'm the way to, I'm the way to peace. I can, I can, uh, I can unite cultures. I can eat... planets. I mean, I can just, um,
[snaps fingers; laughs]
Tom Cruise: Dragonfly's not a superhero, okay?
Tom Cruise: I am.
[laughs; claps]
Tom Cruise: Guy can't even fly, you kiddin'?
[laughs; abruptly stops]
Tom Cruise: I can fly, okay? I can fly. He sees an accident, he's just gonna run by. I'm gonna STOP, 'cause I'm a hero. Now today, there aren't a lot of accidents, so you gotta make accidents. I like to throw... little nails in the street, and an accident happens. And I'm the ONLY one who can run up there and stop it. Ooh! BAM!
[laughs; claps]
Tom Cruise: [off-screen interviewer: "I just wanted to ask you-"] Stop. Just shut up. Shut up. Hey!
["There's a rumor about-"]
Tom Cruise: Hey-
["That you wanted to-"]
Tom Cruise: Stop.
["You did claim, however-"]
Tom Cruise: Stop.
["Okay, but you did say, you agreed to be here, and you said that you would talk about this-"]
Tom Cruise: Shut. Up.
[facing backwards]
Tom Cruise: What is this place? Seriously... why are there no clocks in here?
[suddenly asleep]
Tom Cruise: [off-screen interviewer asks, "Tom? Tom?"]
[suddenly awake]
Tom Cruise: There was a farm who had a dog, and Bingo was his name-O! YEAH!
Tom Cruise: I'm, uh, I'm okay.