super bloody...

Katlyn 2022-09-22 21:32:44

I watched it with my husband on Valentine's Day. I don't know why I picked this film out of nowhere, but I just thought that the visual effect would be good. As a result, I almost wanted to leave the show at the end. Fortunately, I watched it before dinner... It was super bloody, and it felt like killing for the sake of killing. There is no plot, only killing. It is estimated that more than 10 people were killed in the whole drama. The box office is almost over 100 million every other week. It is really incomprehensible. Why do Americans like this so-called horror movie?

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Extended Reading

Friday the 13th quotes

  • Trent: [to Clay] I would probably leave soon before I get pissed off and, you know...

    Clay Miller: Yeah?

    Trent: Yeah.

    [looks from Clay to door, seemingly tough]

    Clay Miller: [unfazed] What happens then?

  • Lawrence: I got business I gotta do this weekend.

    Chelsea: What business?

    Lawrence: Music. I'm trying to start a label.

    Chelsea: Oh, yeah? Like what kind? Like rap?

    Lawrence: Why you gotta go racial? Look, don't put me in a box, all right? What, because I'm black I can't listen to Green Day?

    Chelsea: You're right, that was dumb. So, what kind of music?

    Lawrence: Rap.