Yesterday's history becomes today's mirror

Jalyn 2022-03-22 09:01:35

Since last November,
the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States has caused major countries in the world to be in turmoil.

In contrast, the true meaning revealed by this film twenty years ago is
nothing more than "greed"
from the beginning to the end. The history of securities trader's growth
is cruel, his mentor is Gordon who made him famous
, and he made his colleagues make money or fire

. In the last manipulation,
he gave up his dream for Blue Star Airlines, where his father was. There are two

in the film that I remembered deeply in the movie:
One is the subtle dialogue between his boss Lu (twice when Bud provided information to Lu)
1) The boss Lu said: "There is no shortcut (to do stocks),"
Bud said, "but you can do good deeds first if you grow yourself up." The seemingly
inappropriate answer makes one can't help but predict the path this Wall Street kid will take.
) Lu said: "The biggest charm of money is to let you do things you don't want to do"
His words affirmed that it is essentially a "good boy", but it is the root of mercenary
3) When Bud's illegal manipulation is exposed Later,
Lu said: "I like you, but remember one thing. When one looks into the abyss, he cannot see the reflection. Only at this moment can one understand his own personality, and this also enables him to leave the abyss"
. , he must have been clear about this situation. On the

other hand, the manager of their sales department,
when Bud's performance increased, he praised him greatly; in the
end, Bud was taken away by the police, he said that he had long expected that he would have today,
This clearly reflects the attitude of the two veterans in the securities industry towards rookies and their philosophy of surviving on Wall Street

The second is that when Bud is moving forward like he imagined life, he constantly reflects on himself
late at night, accompanied by beautiful women, but he hesitates.
Finally, when Gordon said, "I saw you and I saw myself, why (why do you want to) Betray me?)"
Bud said: "I don't know, I think I finally learned that I am Bud"
This is the return of human nature, no one is the shadow or copy of others, otherwise it will pay a heavy price~~ ~ The first movie "Wall Street", which I

rarely watched before , is also the reality that I most want to understand after this economic crisis. Whether it is the securities industry or the banking industry, they control the life and death power of many companies. The impetus for them is to pursue material desires . After the illusory operation, they will eventually show their conscience. I really hope that the predators who are still riding in the financial wave can clearly see this.

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Extended Reading

Wall Street quotes

  • [In Bud's new office]

    Marv: Very nice. So what is it, *Mr.* Cocksucker now?

  • Gordon Gekko: Lunch is for wimps.