Drunk life in the east, evil in the dream, death in the west, poison

Wendell 2022-03-24 09:03:20



Never thought of going to the cinema to rewatch a movie.

I never thought it would be fifteen years later.

I clearly remember that when I went to the cinema in 1994, my dad fell asleep watching it, and I watched it too.

Later, I didn't even see it in full.

The original has been read more than once.

So this time the so-called Ultimate Edition, even if most people say that it is not as good as the original, but always, that mountain has to be climbed by itself.

What's more, such a lineup, and a certain person, are the last time they will appear on the big screen.

Let me see you, "Evil in the East and West Poison", let me see you -

Leslie Cheung

"The stage horse is moving, the fire is burning gold, and the West of Italy."

After saying this, he went west.

Is it different from the original version in the two close-up shots, one in front and one behind?

Although Wang Jiawei kept saying that it was to commemorate Leslie Cheung, did he choose "Evil in the East and Poison in the West" to commemorate it? Ha ha.

Seeing that "the husband and wife palace has a real name and no name, I can't think of it is real", I feel a little sad, as if talking about himself.

In fact, Ouyang Feng was just a passer-by from beginning to end, to his sister-in-law, to those men and women who traveled to and from his inn.

But he is also the initiator. If there is no relationship between him and his sister-in-law first, how could Huang Yaoshi be injured and hurt others later, and everything after that is a drunken dream and death of everyone's entanglement.

He has always been indifferent, even indifferent, watching the death of others.

But he looks forward to Huang Yaoshi every year;

he tells Murong Yan/Yan that some people don't realize they are their favorite until they leave;

he sees the blind swordsman who has a home and can't return, just like him;

he doesn't help girls Killing people, but saying that the back of her waiting looks like a person;

He was jealous that Hong Qi was able to take his wife to the rivers and lakes, and later they died in the snow-capped mountains in their later years.

"Wherever you go, there are people who look a lot like you, but it's a pity that the more you look, the more distance there is

. "

When he finally got the news of her death, there were tears in his calm eyes.

That smear of red turned into a fire, burning the inn clean.

The rest is the ashes of time.

If you can't take time away, you can't forget the people and things that are engraved in your life.

Brigitte Lin In

her scene, many people in the theater were laughing and wondering. A man and a woman behind me kept asking, what is she doing? are you crazy.

She is Murong Yan and also Murong Yan.

"I am the princess of the dignified country of Yan, the lady of the Murong family."

She is the only one who performed the original sound. In the dubbing of the many words, her Taiwanese accent + Shandong accent is a bit fun.

She was old by then, and she was undoubtedly the worst performer in "East and West", obviously she had no talent for comedy.

Fortunately, there is "Evil in the East and Poison in the West".

I liked two scenes the most. First, Leung Ka Fai gently stroked her face and said, if you have a younger sister, I will definitely marry her.

She said "big man", if you regret it, I will kill you.

The shyness of the daughter's family on his face could not be hidden.

In another scene, she regarded Ouyang Feng, who was standing in the shadows, as Huang Yaoshi.

She said, "You once said you wanted to marry me, how could I not recognize you?"

I remembered that in "Li Mi's Conjecture", Li Mi said, "You don't know your wife?!"

I still misplaced Think of Qin Han.

Although it should have been 1992 when this scene was filmed, the last happy time of her and Qin Han.

Then Leslie Cheung said: "Why should you take what you say after drinking?".

Later, they really did not meet or know each other, and they forgot each other in the rivers and lakes.

In "Tian Long Ba Bu", Murong Fu also ended up in a crazy end.

It's just that he still has Abi, and Murong Yan or Murong Yan only has each other.

loneliness and defeat.

When you love someone very much, it is actually a process of loneliness and defeat.

But unfortunately, there will never be a chance to fight.

Qingxia and Qin Han sighed.

Tony Leung & Carina Lau

I remembered it wrong, I thought "The Deer and Ding Ding" was the only film in which they played husband and wife.

It turns out that there is also "Evil in the East and Poison in the West".

It plays two fictional characters.

Too bad I don't like either character at all.

The first time I watched it, I always felt that Tony Leung was playing himself, hehe, Carina Lau always gave people the feeling of being distracted.

The part between Carina Lau and Ma was said to be called an erotic clip by many people back then.

Until now, I still don't see it.

Last year when Definitive Edition premiered, they really became pro.

Among those people back then, the only ones who were still active in the front line were this pair of weird people.

Others, old, old, dead, dead, retreating, scattered and scattered.

It is said that when Tony Leung saw Leslie Cheung in the final version, tears flashed in his eyes.

Just said.

At the premiere in the Mainland, Tony Leung said that he wanted to act in a comedy, "Ning Hao and Feng Xiaogang are very good."

Indeed, Ouyang Feng played by Tony Leung was considered to be the most unlike but the most classic Ouyang Feng in history.

Playing those rambunctious characters again, I'm afraid that one day, he will have to jump all the way.

Yang Caini

This woman who once moved Jin Chengwu and Wu Qilong's heart, she is really old.

In this play, she is not as important as the basket of eggs.

I just found out later that this was her first movie.

It's true that he looks young and young in the movie.

However, that's it.

Cai Ni Yang recently directed a new play, starring Gigi Leung.

Are jade girls always being unkind to others?

Zhou Huimin, Yang Caini, Gigi Leung.

Cecilia Cheung, Gillian, jumped out one by one actively or passively and said: I am not a jade girl.

These days, it's not that the Jade Girl is not popular, but it is too difficult to be a Jade Girl consistently.

Jacky Cheung

Actually, I like the role of Hong Qi very much, because he is the only normal person in it.

And Hong Qi in "East and West", there are so many similarities, and they all have the same sense of joy.

Although the plot is fictitious, it is still close to the original.

Losing a finger for an egg, only Hong Qigong can do it.

It's a pity that Yang Caini didn't play Huang Rong, otherwise, you could make some bridges like dancing with yellow sand eggs.

Of course this is not "East and West", not a comedy.

I always felt that among the Four Heavenly Kings, Jacky Cheung not only sang the best, but also acted the best.

It was only recently that I was involved in a philatelic actress storm. Is it true that no one is perfect?

What if it's true? Living like Andy Lau is a bit too tiring.

Hong Qi finally took his wife to the rivers and lakes. Moreover, he made a name for himself and was the only one who could be called happiness.

In reality, Jacky Cheung is the same.

It's just that I can't help but be disappointed when I can't see my cousin who is "still so ecstatic".

I have seen the screenshots of Wang Zuxian in the original version, but the ultimate version has nothing left.

God knows what festivals Wang Zuxian and Wang Jiawei have for their family, Bai let her toss in the desert for so long.


Jiahui The Huang Yaoshi here is more like Yang Guo.

Sometimes people who are really in love are more likely to hurt people.

She fell in love with Peach Blossom because she loved Maggie Cheung, and even provoked the wife of her best friend named Peach Blossom.

She hooked up with Murong Yan, but didn't make the appointment because she couldn't like two women at the same time.

Zhang Manyu said to him: "You are really honest."

He is really honest when it comes to hurting others.

However, facing her, she never told her how she felt.

"I'm childish to everyone, but you are the most rational." It's

just that he always hid a little selfishness and didn't tell Ouyang Feng her whereabouts.

In "Green Snake", Xiaoqing calls Xu Xian: Honest person~~~.

Honest people always do bad things with good intentions.

He is destined to be as famous as Ouyang Feng.

Since the moment of meeting Maggie Cheung.

In the future, Ouyang Feng and his son Ouyang Ke went to Peach Blossom Island to seek marriage, Huang Yaoshi was very happy, but he was unsuccessful.

Perhaps, Eastern evil and Western poison are like participating in business.

Maggie Cheung

In fact, what I've been waiting for is Maggie Cheung, I remember her posture but forgot her appearance in the play, I remember that smear of red, I remember her saying that no one but your eldest brother can touch me from now on, I remember she said, the most In good times, the people I love are not around, I remember the shock that these brought me 15 years ago.

I'm waiting, waiting to see what fifteen years will change.

The camera is always on her face, and the angle is ugly. Maybe because of the wide lens, she is a little fat, making her look a bit like Miriam Yeung. She spoke there lightly, saying that she was determined, with a pranked pride; she said that she regretted her life, and she was indifferent, even indifferent. She was always leaning against the window, as lazy as a cat, and she talked about it, to the man beside her who loved her, the man she loved.

Then she got up, walked to the bed, lay down, took a self-portrait in the mirror, and casually asked what she cared about most: "Actually, you are so good to him, why didn't you tell him I'm here?"

He said: I agreed. You can't say it.

What he said was too right, Ouyang Feng was a lonely star, and she was alone all the way, no matter who loved her or who loved her, she had to keep calm.

You can fool all of the people some of the time, you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

She laughed and said: You are really honest.

She raised her head, sobbed, sobbed, and fell on the bed, crying.

Maggie Cheung is Maggie Cheung. Although it was a "special performance", the crying scene was one of the best.

The camera is close enough to feel the throbbing of her nerve endings, and the powerful impact is still the same.

Just like fifteen years ago, I burst into tears.

Later, she gave him a jar of "Drunken Life and Dream Death" before she died of illness.

In the end, Dong Xie, who loved her, drank half of the bottle, and Xi Du, who she loved, drank the remaining half.

It was her cup.

She clearly knew that

once upon a time, she was dressed in red, lying in the yellow flower field, whispering in the ear of the boy in white:

When you can no longer have it, the only thing you can do is not to forget.


In fact, I think the most appropriate comment on this movie is...

"Watching a movie is like a sacrifice to the Qingming Festival. The audience is silent, the living sacrifices the dead, the big players sacrifice their youth, and the director sacrifices himself to feel good."

But perhaps, this is the so-called belief, "In the eyes of others, It's a waste of time, but it's very important to her"

Leslie has been away for six years, should it really be "the world's shadow is left to me", or "dust to dust, dust to dust"?

There are countless classic lines in the play, but after rewatching it, my favorite is this one -

the biggest trouble of people is that their memory is too good, if you can forget everything, every day is a new beginning, you say how good that would be.

But I still want to go back in time, back to that April Fool's Day night six years ago, back to the time when the radio host thought it was an April Fool's Day joke that you committed suicide, back to the one who said he looked a lot like you Before the news told me of your death.

I've gone through it from the beginning, you say how good that should be.

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Extended Reading

Ashes of Time quotes

  • The Woman: Why didn't you let him know I live here?

    Huang Yao-shi: You didn't ask me to.

    The Woman: [sobbing] You are too honest!

  • Blind Swordsman: My doctor said I will go completely blind when I reach 30.

    Ou-yang Feng: So how old are you?

    Blind Swordsman: Almost 30.