"Evil and West Poison Definitive Edition", the beauty of fragments

Drew 2022-03-24 09:03:20

"There is a bird in the world that has no feet. It keeps flying when it is born. When it is tired, it sleeps in the wind. It can only land once in a lifetime, and that is when it dies.
" There are fewer people who express it beautifully and aesthetically, and very few people can fully understand the hearts of people, so there are Leslie Cheung and Wong Kar Wai.
——Inscription on
April 1, the weather was fine and the breeze was breezy.
When brushing my teeth at 8:00, I thought of Leslie Cheung.
9:00 His voice, face and smile have been lingering in his mind.
13:00 Sitting in an empty theater with Dongmei and Liwen, waiting for the opening of "Evil and West Poison Definitive Edition".
14:30 I was moved in a mess, but not for the plot.
This is the only way I can think of to commemorate Leslie Cheung.

Some time ago, when Jia Zhangke came to the school, the organizer put up a slogan, which seemed to be some poetic movie. It's actually a bit inappropriate. The domestic director, who is close to the temperament of poetry, is Wong Kar-wai. In Wong Kar-wai's films, the storytelling has taken a back seat, and what really affects people is just a sentiment or an emotion. This kind of beauty is a kind of loneliness in the fragmented form.
After so many years, when "Evil in the East" also became "Ashes of Time" (the English translation of "Evil in the West"), when my brother had passed away, and Brigitte Lin had ceased acting, I really put "Evil in the West". See some understand.
After the refurbishment of "East", the feeling of watching is basically amazing. The sword falling into the water, the flying hoofs stepping on the sand, the solitary peaks in the desert and the dark creeks and valleys interpret the visual stunning. But Dugu Qiufeng, Ouyang Feng, sister-in-law, blind man, and Huang Yaoshi interpret emotional surprises. A lingering of memories and loneliness staged a variety of love in the world.

Dugu seeking defeat and Ouyang Feng
's death and immortality
"I once asked myself, is your favorite woman me? But I don't want to know now, if one day I can't help asking you, you must lie to me, even if you don't want to, don't tell me you The person I love the most is not me."
- Dugu Qiufeng (Mu Rongyan)

Some people constantly cover up the fact that they are not loved, and find all kinds of excuses, resulting in one person and two roles, and finally almost schizophrenia. This is loneliness and defeat. She is a person who is defeated by her own emotional lies, and the birdcage that keeps spinning in the sunlight is her emotional bondage. Women are often not deceived by men, but deceived by their own lies. In the end, they can't tell the truth from the fake, so they have to believe what they want to believe. Huang Yaoshi has never had a patriotic Murong Yan, but she has to stage a one-man show of being hunted down to prove her imagination. In the end, it was seen through, and Dugu Qiufeng could no longer deceive himself. In the end, after a drunken life and a dream of death, I forgot everything. Do you know what "forget" is? Forgetting is the death of the heart, and when the heart is lost, it is forgotten. So Dugu Qiu defeat only competes with her own reflection, because she has no pursuit, only herself.

"Everyone will go through this stage. When they see a mountain, they want to know what is behind the mountain. I really want to tell him that maybe if you turn over to the back of the mountain, you will find that there is nothing special. Looking back, you will think this side is better... ——Someone
Ouyang Feng
believed in the decree and walked into his own trap. Ouyang Feng's concept of time is just squandering, but he can't squander love. He left his sister-in-law, but he never let it go. It wasn't that he couldn't get out of the desert, but he couldn't get out of his heart and memories. So his loneliness became more and more lonely, and he also gave himself an excuse, destined to have a Lone Star. He stared at the rising and setting of the sun in the desert, helping others to solve their troubles, but he couldn't solve his own troubles - "The biggest trouble for people is that they have a good memory." , will always sting. Fighting the beasts in memory will become the ashes of time.

Hong Qi and his sister-in-law
Winning and Losing
"I always thought I was the one who won, until one day I looked in the mirror and realized I lost, and when I was at my best, the people I loved the most were not by my side. It would be great if I could start over. Good!" ——When my
sister- in-law
Maggie Cheung appeared, my friends and I both felt our hearts beating fiercely. I don't know which woman's beauty can be as beautiful as Maggie Cheung's performance, which makes women suffocated. The beauty of the sister-in-law is not because of her innate appearance that moves people's hearts, but the sadness about her emotions that permeates the viewer's emotions after being radiated through her temperament. She has spent her life competing with emotional rankings. In order to punish Ouyang Feng, she became his sister-in-law, but she grieved to death. Her resentment is that she wants to love and can't love anymore. If you care too much in your relationship, and you can't be satisfied, you want the other person's feelings to be buried with you.
It is a pity that the relationship cannot be divided into winners and losers, and some are only win-win and lose-win.

"It's not worth it! But I feel happy, this is who I am. I should have been fine, but my knife is not as fast as before. I used to be faster because I was direct, and I did what I thought was right. I never thought about the cost."
——Hong Qi
is the real winner, I don’t know if it is Hong Qi, and I don’t dare to jump to conclusions. But when Hong Qi was walking against the wind with his wife, when he decided that "it's up to people", his back image was happy.
This life is a life like no other, against the wind, not with the passage of time.

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Extended Reading

Ashes of Time quotes

  • The Woman: Why didn't you let him know I live here?

    Huang Yao-shi: You didn't ask me to.

    The Woman: [sobbing] You are too honest!

  • Blind Swordsman: My doctor said I will go completely blind when I reach 30.

    Ou-yang Feng: So how old are you?

    Blind Swordsman: Almost 30.