If running water can turn back

Kathryn 2022-03-22 09:02:05

If running water can turn back, please take me away.

Church, holy carols, innocent children, those memories of childhood are a black memory. I really don't want it to be a corner of Almodovar, scratched, a difficult and fascinating adventure. They all say that "Bad Education" is Amo's autobiography, writing about himself, writing about the extreme of a kind of emotion, not crazy in heaven, loved by the gods; . And you can't deny that this is a movie like Almodovar, he can express himself in his own way and dare to express it.

Saw a report and liked a little clip about it "In order to recreate many of the scenes of the year, Almodóvar and the entire crew returned to the Terras Cinema in Valencia, and in those hot days, Almodovar Dowa saw such a little boy. In order to enjoy the joy of the artificial rain, he stood on the set naturally and relaxed. At that time, it was filming the scene of the two protagonists kissing in the rain. Almodovar hoped that the little boy would not be there. Didn't see it, but it wasn't, Almodóvar thought maybe this little boy thought of the artificial rain when he thought of the movie, and the two men kissing in the rain."
The footage of memory is a scar that can place anyone In the hospital, the church, or that sunny afternoon, the perception of life will push you to any intersection, with no choice. I like the little boy in the church in the film very much. The river that sings the time in the summer is clear and pure. The undercurrent of life is lurking behind. When he turns his head, it is there, but how can he turn back and how can he meet him? , Years later, that simple teenager would go for breast augmentation, wear two big breasts, take drugs in a dark room, and be poisoned to death by his brother and the priest who loved him. In the face of fate, men and women, lovers or enemies, same-sex or opposite-sex, we are all alone at the top of the mountain, lonely and thin.

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Bad Education quotes

  • Ignacio: I think I've just lost my faith at this moment, so I no longer believe in God or hell. As I don't believe in hell, I'm not afraid. And without fear I'm capable of anything.