The most romantic thing I can think of is dying slowly with you

Ara 2022-09-13 23:03:59

The network card is broken. There is no sound when the CD-ROM plays DVD, and now it can't even play avi. It is estimated that the sound card is also a problem. When the screen is turned on, it must be turned off immediately, and then turned on again to enter the system normally. This problem started to appear when the machine was purchased. The monitor started to black out with a sudden snap, and then snapped back after a while, or like the purple light used to electrocute flies in the cafeteria, it snapped endlessly.

All indications are that my computer is aging prematurely, slowly dying part by part. This can't help but remind me of the animation "When The Wind Blows" I watched a while ago. At first it was the soundtrack composed by the particularly anti-war waters in pink floyd. The film depicts two old couples in their twilight, enjoying the happiness, living an ordinary life in the sunset that can no longer be ordinary, chatting, thinking back to the past, rigid in dogma, following the old rules, waiting for the end of their lives. These two guys have never stopped chanting from the very beginning. Although I firmly believe that I will be like that when I am at that age, but this cannot stop young people like me from wanting to change the film. I really admire the director when he made this film. Couldn't make himself sleepy. Finally, it lasted until the second half, and a nuclear war broke out! Cheer up, but it is not the exciting war scene that is waiting, but it is still the old couple. How these two ordinary old couples died slowly under nuclear radiation. Hair loss, dizziness, vomiting, blood in the stool, erythema... Every detail of nuclear death is recorded vividly and vividly. At the end, the two old men turned into angels and flew into the clouds.

Some people say that the scariest thing about horror movies is that they happen in the most common places, such as TV sets, elevators, washstands... Similarly, the saddest part of tragedies is not the sacrifice of heroes or lovers, but people like you and me. Mortals slowly die, or slowly become numb. It's like sitting in front of a pot and watching slowly and carefully watching the slowly boiled fish in the boiling water in the pot, which is violent enough. Death is not a sudden thing, death is a process, a slow and real process. Just like the undercover agent in "Reservoir Dogs" who bleeds from the beginning, and then lay in a pool of blood and struggled until the end of the film. If there is a nuclear war, don’t just think of the fragmented skeleton in “Terminator” that was swept away by the shock wave in autumn. Slowly diseased, mutated, and deformed by radiation and harsh climates until extinction.

If there is such a day, you should find a partner as soon as possible, just a woman. The woman in "The English Patient" who died of illness in a cave while waiting in loneliness still fills my heart with ripples. "The most romantic thing I can think of is to die slowly with you." Of course, finding a partner is not for fooling around, it is a desperate weak person. I will continue to live and work every day, as always. One is king.
(Written on 11/7/05)

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When the Wind Blows quotes

  • Jim: We must keep abreast of the international situation, Love. See, the decisions made by the powers-that-be will get to us in the end.

  • Hilda: Ooh, it's stuffy in these bags.

    Jim: Now you know what it feels like to be a potato.

    Hilda: [chuckles] I should hate that, being buried in the ground.

    Jim: Oh yes, so would I, give me cremation every time.

    Hilda: Oh me too.