Does anyone think princess maid looks like BJ?

Devyn 2022-03-23 09:02:43

I mean BJ's single diary, that BJ
anyway, the more I look at it, the more I think it looks like
a lot of joy (wow, haha)

I personally think
this cartoon is very different
. There are many stories unfolding in sequence,
not compact
, and narrating.
first I thought it was a story about a mouse sailing the sea
and then I thought it should be a story about an exotic mouse and Master Tang
Then tragedy struck The kingdom was darkened and the
mouse world opened
and there was another story about a different mouse
and then It's the world of mice that's where the
mouse in the opening credits turns out he's a rat with a bad reputation.
Here's the story, oh
I see, this must be a story about a magical mouse and a magical mouse who become good friends
and see you in the mouse Now that the princess claims to be gentleman
, is it another story about a "mouse" prince?
However, the story did not stop with its drama . The story of maid
with vivid narration
also unfolded
one by one, a maid who dreamed of becoming a princess
... dizzy, of course, don't forget to add a little climax to the story later , such as the battle of good and evil The ending of course fairytale never disappoints the kingdom comes back to life everyone lives in harmony The jailer of the dungeon finds his princess

The rat people are no longer afraid of
rats. They got rid of their notoriety
. The original rat from the exotic land continued on their own sailing journey.
In short, everyone is happy ever after

. It's a very magical animation. It's a
bit of a sense of humor,
a bit joke, and
a little loose
, but it's just such a story> _<

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Extended Reading

The Tale of Despereaux quotes

  • Narrator: Of course, destiny is a funny thing. We go out to meet it and we don't always know that we are.

  • Narrator: When your heart breaks it can grow back crooked. It grows back twisted and gnarled and hard.