"Evil in the East and Poison in the West" classic lines (transfer)

Madaline 2022-03-23 09:03:05

You can't say what's good about "Dong Xie Xi Du", or you can't figure out what it has to say, I can only tell you that this is a story about time. I would like to thank Wong Kar-wai for launching "Dong Evil and West Poison: Definitive Edition" 14 years later, and thank him for leaving the final scene of "East Evil West Poison: Definitive Edition" to Leslie Cheung
The following are the classic lines of "East Evil West Poison" to share with you , and also share with you:
1. Many years later, I have a nickname called Xidu, anyone can become vicious, as long as you have tried what is called Jilu, I don't mind what others think of me, I just don't want to. Others are happier than me.
2. I thought there was a person in this world who would not be jealous because he was too proud.
3. She said that the biggest trouble of people is that they have a good memory. If you can forget everything, every day in the future will be a new beginning. How good you say.
4. Do you know the difference between drinking alcohol and drinking water? The warmer the wine is, the colder the water will be.
5. If a person has a bad memory, don't go to too many places of right and wrong, because you may forget your enemies.
6. The most painful way to die alone is to kill the person he likes the most first.
7. Everyone will stick to their beliefs. In the eyes of others, it is a waste of time, but she thinks it is very important.
8. Everyone has to go through this stage. When they see a mountain, they want to know what is behind the mountain. Maybe if you cross the back of the mountain, you will find that there is nothing special. Looking back, you will think this side is better.
9. I finally understand why that woman likes Hong Qi, maybe because he is simple enough.
10. Although I like her very much, I don't want her to know, because I understand that what I can't get is always the best.
11.------I always thought that you would be together, why not marry him?
------ He never said that he likes me.
------Some words don't have to be said.
------ I only hoped that he would say a word, but he refused to say it. He was so confident that he thought I would definitely marry him, who knew that I would marry his brother. On our wedding day, he told me to go with him, but I didn't agree. Why fight until you lose it? Since that's the case, I won't let him get it.
12. If feelings can be divided, I don't know if she will win, but I know very well that from the beginning, I lost.
13. In fact, "drunk life and dream death" is just a joke she made to me. The more you want to know if you have forgotten, the more clearly you remember. I've heard people say that when you can't have it anymore, the only thing you can do is keep yourself from forgetting.
14. I used to think that sentence was very important, because I think that some words are for a lifetime. Now think about it, it makes no difference whether you say it or not, and some things will change. I always thought I won, until one day I looked in the mirror and realized I lost. At my best, the people I love most aren't around me. It would be great if we could start over.
15. I knew from a young age that the best way not to be rejected by others is to reject others first.
16. I once asked myself if your favorite woman is me, and now I don't want to know anymore. If one day I can't help but ask, you must lie to me, no matter how unwilling you are in your heart, don't tell me that your favorite person is not me.

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