Seeing the evil in the east and the poison in the west again, it is already a strong color

Ena 2022-03-23 09:03:05

In 1994, the poster of "Evil in the East and West Poison" featured Liang Chaowei's blind swordsman; in

2009, the poster of "Dong Evil in the West" featured Leslie Cheung's Ouyang Feng. He is still lonely, but he can make us feel warm.

The 1994 Stars version of the poster, each person's eyes deduce their own loneliness and sadness;

the 2009 Stars version of the poster not only has a peach-like face, Maggie Cheung, more importantly, Ouyang Feng and Murong Yan's eyes. There was also a hint of tenderness.

I heard that the current "Definitive Edition" is only five minutes longer than it was in 1994. I was a little disappointed at first. Wong Kar-Wai, a birdman, is really tempting. But for a lot of people who really liked the movie, being able to walk into a movie theater to see it was the most important thing. Some people will remind you of many things in the past, such as Weng Meiling, such as Leslie Cheung; some movies can arouse your nostalgia for the past in the depths of your heart, such as "Dong Xie Xi Po Definitive Edition"...

(1) I don't know Huang After drinking the altar of "Drunken Life and Dreaming of Death", the pharmacist has really forgotten a lot of past events, including forgetting love and forgetting sadness; I don't know if Ouyang Feng will be in the bottom of his heart when he quietly looks in the direction of Bai Tuo Mountain every day. There is a trace of bitter regret, sometimes it takes courage to leave, and it takes courage to miss; I don’t even know if the blind warrior had the image of the woman waiting for him in his hometown when his blood spurted out like the wind. , When will the peach blossoms bloom now? Death equals rebirth or liberation? Does the rivers and lakes need you to die or I to die? Is love in exchange for the thoughts of the horizon or the reincarnation of suffering?

(2) A group of people who have been hurt by love lost their youth in that desolate desert and faded away their lead: lonely heroes flee for love, tired swordsmen drink and hate a foreign land, famous ladies are hesitant, and romantic chivalrous men can’t bear to forget. Heartbroken ancient road, the evening wind sings softly. Thousands of miles of yellow sand and dust. Time flies and people get hurt. Spring water flows east, and life hates long. Legends through the ages, love hurts badly. The sunset rides the horse, and it is desolate after all...

(3) Is this the rivers and lakes? Where is Jiang? Where is the lake? Is this the desert? If rivers and lakes are really omnipresent, then this desert is also rivers and lakes. The setting sun is yellow sand, the wind is thin, and the air is filled with turbid loneliness. Where is the back door of this desert? is another desert. It's another desert, and it's another period of loneliness. There are too many lonely people in this desert, and too many sad people. Lonely people are not necessarily sad, but sad people are lonely. East evil, West poison, Murong Yan, Murong Yan, and blind swordsmen, this desert is simply a club for the lonely and sad.

Another year of April Fool's Day is approaching. On April Fool's Day in 2003, Leslie Cheung made a joke to people all over the world. He fell from the sky and fell down forty-six years of memory, which ended for himself and gave people memories. I don't know if this day was chosen by him, but I think he probably wanted to leave people with a permanent and painful memory, and let people remember the most beautiful red on that day. In 2008, at the Cannes Film Festival, Wong Kar-wai borrowed Leslie Cheung's hand and used his sword to swipe a splendid "Dong Evil and West Poison Ultimate Edition", and then began the film's release plan.

A person has troubles because his memory is too good. If he can forget everything, his life will lose its meaning. Remembering the sadness and melancholy brought to us by "Dong Xie Xi Po" in 1994, remembering the warmth and hope brought to us by "East Evil West Poison Ultimate Edition" in 2009, every day in the future will be a new beginning!

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Ashes of Time quotes

  • The Woman: Why didn't you let him know I live here?

    Huang Yao-shi: You didn't ask me to.

    The Woman: [sobbing] You are too honest!

  • Blind Swordsman: My doctor said I will go completely blind when I reach 30.

    Ou-yang Feng: So how old are you?

    Blind Swordsman: Almost 30.