Watch the fat man's heartache

Alana 2022-03-22 09:01:56

Kevin James debuts his lead role as Paul, a fat single dad who works as a security guard in a mall. He is the most serious security guard among his colleagues, and he is also very concerned about the eyes of others on the security guard. He has a crush on Amy, a saleswoman who works in a mall. One day, robbers targeted this mall. For Amy, Paul is determined to save the hostages and kill the bad guys!

Movie review:
This is a comedy. The story is about an oversized security guard Paul. Paul loves and takes pride in his work. It is a pity that the general public ignores the security guards, thinking that they are unnecessary. Nonetheless, Paul went out of his way to protect the people who went to the mall.

I believe that Kevin James is also very impressive in his previous work "Hitch". Although he is fat, he is very flexible and almost steals Will Smith's limelight. This time in "Paul", he played the leading role himself, and the starting point of the story was still based on his figure. Although he is fat, he gives people a feeling of "fat but not greasy". He's very mobile, and he's got cute baby fat, so he doesn't look obnoxious at all, but has a very approachable feel.

The selling point of this movie is the hilarity of Kevin James himself. The content of the story is very simple, basically taking a robber security as the theme of the whole movie. If you haven't had a good laugh at the cinema after a long period of time, consider watching this movie, and let Paul's seriousness and caution amuse you.

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Extended Reading

Paul Blart: Mall Cop quotes

  • Maya Blart: [reading a dating website] Okay, next question. "Tell me about yourself."

    Paul Blart: Let's see. I know a lot about sharks.

    Mom: Let me stop you right there.

  • [sees Leon hanging by a rope, being pulled up into the air ducts]

    Veck Sims: I wish I had a bat. I would bust you open, see how much candy fell out.