That person is in the place where the peach blossoms are blooming - Dream No. 2

Karl 2022-03-23 09:02:50

It was such a magnificent dream, and yet such a depressing dream.

In the confusion of the family, the little boy pursued the beautiful and ethereal figure. The girl ran lightly into the forest, with the crisp sound of bells on her body, and walked towards the field ridge. At this time, dozens of beautifully dressed white-faced peach demons appeared. stop him.

In the first dream, the relationship between the boy and the fox demon was relatively tense. Because the boy peeped at the scene of the fox marrying his daughter, the fox held a grudge and came to the door with a dagger in his arms. But all this was learned from the boy's mother's dictation, and the direct communication between the boy and the fox demon did not materialize.

In the second dream, the peach demon seemed to be a lot more cordial and human. They told the boy about their anger face to face, and they could clearly feel their anger after the white face, and when their questioning brought the little boy to tears, the peach demons were obviously overwhelmed, and the higher-ranking male peach The demon calmed down and reluctantly shouted: Crying can't solve any problems! The tone was like a father who scolded the child for crying, and the female peach demon next to him immediately defended the boy, and the boy did not want the adults to cut down the peach tree.

And the boy did not flee in a hurry after being discovered like in the first dream. In front of many condescending peach demons, he explained to himself earnestly, poured out his heartfelt feelings, and shed tears. Real communication and understanding between humans and demons. Tao Yao then wanted the boy to enjoy the beauty of peach blossoms again.

That's why there is the beautiful dance of the peach demon.
The peach demons dressed in neon clothes danced to their heart's content. The boy was intoxicated, and the peach blossom petals scattered all over the mountain fell on the boy's body. He wiped away his tears and smiled. Among the peach blossoms, he saw the girl he had chased so far. She was the only peach demon without a white face. She looked so fresh and kind, and the little boy climbed up the path. But suddenly everything in front of him vanished, leaving only the pitiful peach stumps on the ridge, the boy was infinitely disappointed, and then he saw the only small peach tree in full bloom not far away, the wind was blowing, The bell on the girl's body sounded, and the boy stopped by the tree and stared, with an expression of infinite sadness on his face.

In terms of form, in order to create the beauty of the peach demons, the clothes of the peach demons choose a variety of bright and bright colors, such as bright red, snow white, emerald green, dark brown, etc., which complement each other with the color of the ridge and are deeply beautiful. In terms of composition, it is even better to use left-right symmetrical composition. When the goblin appears, it is picturesque from the left and right at the same time, and it is arranged on the four rows of fields. At the beginning, it stands on both sides of the zigzag field path, which has a strong sense of symmetry. .

In terms of scenes, the first dream is dominated by panoramic and large panoramic views, while the second dream uses many close-ups and large close-ups on the boy's body. The boy's tears are so clearly reflected in the eyes of the audience, he The sadness and helplessness are deeply felt.

But there is one detail that I think Kurosawa is not very good at handling the lens.
On the scene where the peach blossoms appeared, Akira Kurosawa used three peach blossoms covered with the lens to connect them with the method of "cutting". Personally, I think this is a bit stiff, the rhythm is a bit too fast, and the length of each shot is only one Two seconds, such a quick indirection somewhat damages the romantic and dreamy artistic conception created before the film. Wouldn't it be better if you could use panning, or take appropriate methods?

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