"Rachel's Wedding" - The Reality of European Redemption and American Noisy Weaving

Daryl 2022-03-21 09:02:24

No matter how you look at it, this film shows a bit of the temperament of European films from the beginning. From the perspective of the theme, it is about the estrangement and restoration of sisterhood, the breaking and rebuilding of family ethics, and the depravity and redemption of young girls. From the point of view of the image style, simple hand-held camera figures, shaky lenses, slightly noisy natural sounds, and restrained soundtracks, all the elements we need for the real film are readily available, it is a real mess, and this Is it reality itself or just a sense of reality? Or a clever imitation of life itself? Godard said that film is 24 frames per second of truth. I think it's overconfidence in the mechanics of the film.

Compared with films that are too cinematic like "Slumdog Millionaire" and "Rejuvenation", "Rachel's Wedding" is a bit unique among the Hollywood movies I have seen this year. The truth of "Xuanzi Suspect", the truth of "Xuanzi Suspect" comes from the depth of human nature and its ruthless criticism of the system, and the real power of "Rachel's Wedding" comes from the film skills for film narrative. The detachment is not a god-like view of the world from a high place, but like an invisible passerby, who followed the characters in the story through a family of joys and sorrows and pains, no comment, just watching , the mood dropped to zero. It turns out that there are many kinds of truths, so which one is more truthful? It's like one person's love will be more like love than another person's love, think of "Animal Farm", you are equal, and someone is more equal than you.

Intuitively, what this movie tells about has happened or is happening in countless families in the United States. It is said that Chinese parents in the United States are very afraid of two things. One is that their daughters marry a black man, and the other is that their sons become gay. These two things cannot be put on the table. One is racial discrimination, and the other is hurting disadvantaged groups. This is caused by the deep-rooted family concept of the Chinese, which cannot be changed. When it comes to racial discrimination, the Chinese are actually more than the United States. There are many more serious people, and in the film, my sister is about to get married, and the one who wants to marry is a black man. This is not a terrible disaster for American families today. It was not the 1950s and 1960s, and black people were always going to the streets. When marching for civil rights, I remember watching those scenes in "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" earlier, and only in the atmosphere of that era can such an impact have such an impact. The biggest problem for this family now comes from another young daughter, Kym, who is rebellious. , I took drugs and entered a drug rehab center. My sister was getting married, and Kym came out of the drug rehab center to attend her sister's wedding. The whole story revolved around this wedding. Kym wanted to reintegrate and was always in a kind of alienation. The story of breaking out and leaving silently in the end.

This is a story about redemption. The taste of this redemption is not a European-style pointing to the soul, but to the loneliness and absurdity of the living situation. This story is still floating on the surface of life. A rebellious and unruly sister hurts a The peace and stability of the family. Because of a worldly accident, he killed his younger brother. He wanted to seek forgiveness from the family and be tolerated, but he always closed the door of redemption because of his overly sensitive heart, and even maintained the apparent reconciliation with each other. It seems so hypocritical. While Kym is immersed in pain, she is still reluctant to restrain her violent temper too much. Sometimes hurting others will make her even more terrifying. She has also sought religious redemption. I was praying in the group to give me the courage to face what cannot be changed, give me the strength to change what can be changed, give me the wisdom to tell the difference between the two, and go out the door with the first The groom's friend who met for the second time had sex frantically in the basement. That kind of religious redemption can only bring about temporary peace, lacking redemption of love, and finding no source of strength. Continue to play a fringe family in this wedding, bitter but powerless. There is no self-inflicted self-mutilation in "Blue", no "Cry and Whisper" in which color can only replace the emotions of the sisters because of the inability to communicate.

Anne Hathaway's performance was amazing, with pale complexion, short black hair, and an uninhibited look with a cigarette in her mouth, bursting with piercing pain, she couldn't see the appearance of the charming princess at the beginning, in a seemingly unintentional In the shining youth without lungs, there lives an old soul.

So in the end, everything has returned to tranquility, the bridge returns to the bridge, the road returns to the road, even if we once hurt each other, even if we once loved each other, the final solution to all conflicts is to bring each other back to the original point, the parents left, the sister Leaving, sister, Rachel breathed a sigh of relief. The warmth that was still left just now returned to normal after a few days, and they each continued their own lives. I like this kind of story very much. Everyone gathers for one thing, in In the process of gathering, they hurt each other, they vented and broke out in the hurt, and they left sadly after the outbreak. The problem is still the problem, and the contradiction is still surging. Life is actually irreconcilable.

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Rachel Getting Married quotes

  • Kym: I am Shiva the destroyer, your harbinger of doom this evening.

  • Kym: [Late to rehab meeting, she knocks over a chair] Cocksucker!

    Kieran: [Who had been addressing the crowd] Uh, only once. My dealer. I was very hard up for cash.