The only person in this world who can save you is yourself.

Virginia 2022-03-21 09:02:24

The only one who can save you in this world is yourself. If you insist on indulging yourself in grief and refuse to come out, no matter how hard others try, it will be in vain.
At the beginning of watching this movie, I really resonated with the character of Kym. Like most people, she felt that she worked so hard to integrate into the family and to be treated like a normal person. She loves her sister very much and is sincerely happy for her wedding, but the first choice of bridesmaid is not herself? Is there someone closer to me than my sister?
She tried hard to join the conversation, but she was always out of place. At the wedding rehearsal, everyone was talking about emotional topics. She also tried to express similar emotions from her own point of view, but what she said in the end still messed up the atmosphere and became an alien in the eyes of others.
I have the same feeling, I try very hard to fit in with everyone, but why is it always not accepted?

But from the later quarrel between her and her sister, we can gradually find the reason for her pain and entanglement: she does not accept herself. Her father loves her very much, and so does her sister. Over the years, my elder sister has been concerned that her father cared more about her younger sister than herself, but she still loves her younger sister very much. I don't think they think it's Kym's fault that his brother died, at least they care more about Kym than that fault now. But Kym himself fell into the kind of self-blame that he couldn't extricate himself from, and blindly thought that others' acceptance of her was a pretense that others would not treat her as a normal person. She doesn't accept everything outside and only wants to live in her own world. The reason why she has been unable to join in the chat is also because the only concerns in her mind are actually only related to herself.

Those of us who are selfish and self-centered can always project the focus onto our own, even when discussing other people's affairs. Anything you do to others isn't really out of concern for others, it's probably just your own whim, optional. But if others are a little bit complacent with you, they feel that the whole world owes you.
In fact, Kym has always lived in this emotion that the whole world owes her. Although she blamed herself, she blamed others for blaming her even more. She felt that all her pain was caused by others, and such self-pity would not have any positive impact on her even if other people were tolerant.

Sister Rachel is also dissatisfied. Since I was a child, my father has cared more about my sister (in many, many movies), so why should I go around her when it comes to my wedding? But her heart is tolerant, she has a positive attitude to face everything, and she can recover faster than her sister. And I think it is only such a woman, she can Deserve a husband as warm as Sidney, i mean considerate (I am at a loss for words).

Of course, the so-called one mountain is one mountain high (this sentence is actually not correct), the reason why Kym is so full of resentment actually stems from her mother. A beautiful and decent woman, divorced from Kym and their father and found a decent man, someone hurts. But if there's anyone in the whole movie who's been blaming Kym for never forgiving, it's her mom. Even though she was irresponsible herself, she blamed Kym for her brother's death. The quarrel between the two of them is basically the climax of the film. Both are spoiled women, so they always drag their problems onto others. Therefore, their so-called self-blame is actually a self-blame of complaining to others, so that the gap in their hearts is difficult to really fill.

I, and many, many people around me, have this condition, mild or severe. Some misfortune happens to everyone, or not misfortune, just something that makes you unhappy. If you choose to find the crux of the problem and solve it, no matter how big the unhappiness can be passed. But if you don't want to pull yourself, no matter how much other people care and persuade it is futile, maybe you have to blame who cares less about you. If you don't take the initiative, no one can satisfy you.


This is my first time writing something in a more canonical format, it can be confusing. Sorry.

I felt different from watching this movie, and I was also very worried about whether the director had any deeper meaning that I, a common man, could not understand. As a result, I see other people's comments are basically more unreliable. . . = = Okay~ See you soon. Welcome advice.

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Rachel Getting Married quotes

  • Kym: I am Shiva the destroyer, your harbinger of doom this evening.

  • Kym: [Late to rehab meeting, she knocks over a chair] Cocksucker!

    Kieran: [Who had been addressing the crowd] Uh, only once. My dealer. I was very hard up for cash.