I took u

Mustafa 2022-10-11 18:29:56

I haven't seen such a wonderful script and performance in a long time. 8 actors, almost all of them are dialogues and a few simple indoor scenes, but they can achieve flying flowers and leaves, and they are full of wit, not cold, fascinating and thought-provoking. The main plot is: 2 women and 5 men apply for a company. In a closed room, just for the final result, under the appearance of politeness, he did not hesitate to tear his face, pull his skin, intrigue, talk about gold, refer to a deer as a horse, reverse black and white, and do everything he can. . In short, you must never be yourself, and others must step on your feet. One of the plots is, assuming that there are only a few of you left on the earth, but one more person is to be eliminated, please give the reason why you can stay. One of the middle-aged women said that I cooked a good dish. Another young woman said calmly: I can be the mother of all the male children present. Middle-aged women are naked too: I can too. Immediately, a man criticized and said, you seem to be a little old to have a child. Middle-aged women are in a hurry: when the time comes, I can kick them on the buttocks, can you? This movie can also be called an ecological ball movie, that is, in a relatively closed environment, set various people, etc., input certain conditions (challenge or crisis), you can observe the evolution of the living beings and the ecological ball (such as Cassandra bridge). And now this ecological ball unfortunately shows us that just by cleverly setting a game rule and supplementing it with competitive groups, one can almost completely wipe out human nature. Is it really dangerous? However, the last person to be eliminated in the film was the coldest and calmest person in the crowd with a high IQ. Then, when she was winning, she shivered for a moment, and she was defeated. True to that sentence: Sometimes we win, but we lose. Sometimes, we lose but we win.

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The Method quotes

  • Carlos de Aristegui Santos: Absolutely my dear, I'm afraid Fernando's cockiness was just a cover up.

  • Carlos de Aristegui Santos: Nothing, Peeping Tom, mind your own business, get back to your peep hole.

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