should do something for others

Orion 2022-03-21 09:03:07

In the end, all the company outsourced to China. Even as a Chinese, I saw that I had lost so many positions. Then I looked at poor India, and suddenly I was a little depressed and sad (if other foreigners watch this movie, they are a threat to China.) There's no better reason to exist)
but why don't we fix this and do something for the poorest people in the world.
When we look at China from a different angle, China is now a black hole. While developing itself, it also absorbs opportunities from other developing countries. Why should China's industry be improved? We also outsource the creation of the US to India. Some industries to other countries. We should be a job-creating nation like America, not just consuming and imitating. .

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Outsourced quotes

  • Asha: A holiday in Goa.

  • Purohit N. Virajnarianan: I'm Purohit Narsimacharaya Virajnarianan. But you can call me Puro.