social hunt

Imogene 2022-03-21 09:02:43

Social Hunting

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No one can choose a wink, just as no one can choose where to start life. Brown pupils, green pupils - people seem to be more accustomed to using skin color to determine a person's pros and cons, even if the colors of human beings in this world are so colorful, the final extraction of essence or discard of dross is only based on the most superficial color. Whether IQ is high or low, or gregarious or not, we have built a huge system to screen who will be eliminated in this world. People are good at violating the law and looking at the pros and cons of the world by looking for new standards in addition to natural selection.
Criticize two films at the same time,and. Through past bad deeds, people have distinguished who is potentially dangerous in this society. They are like bombs buried in every corner, which may explode at any time. And a person's ability to attach to language is different, it will also lead to disaster. Those who talk about teachers and talk about the Tao all day long, and those who speak eloquently, also have something better than them. They can quibble and call for help when necessary. So Ben has become a figure that people don't like to see, and Jack is a time bomb rolling down the street. No matter how quibble he is, the bad deeds and stains cannot be washed away.
"Song of the Barbarian" tried to use bright British colors to wash away the sins interspersed in the film, but the same sunshine could not resolve the fears in the hearts of the film people. No one can condemn these "unreasonable" neighbors for their right to safety, but no one can deprive Jack of his normal life. Society itself is contradictory. At the end of the film, in the soft sunlight, Jack walked to the pier. We can imagine all the laughter in the playground, but we can't forget that in the deep memory of this boy, screaming and repentance are everything. Even throwing a mourner into the grandest of joys cannot change the character of that person. But can social care really not dissolve the shadow of all evil? And we see more that the real pain is Jack himself, and when he tries to hide everything, it is even more painful. If there really needs to be a certain kind of sadness in this world, isn't he giving up everything he has over and over and taking it all? When all are chanting for freedom and equality, when a series of social issues end up in a series of cross-examinations, perhaps the society's sanctuary will acquiesce in the hunt for the so-called "ego".
Perhaps the world torn to pieces is more attractive. There is no overall image in Ben's mind. He can only observe the movements and images of the human body in the game. He struggled to learn how to be a socially viable person, not an outlier or a "genius". People politely refuse the world's constant creation of myths, because geniuses are often the bad pen of society first. The style of the film is like a documentary, disrupting the chronological order, making the audience always think that Ben is going to do something stupid and end in tragedy. Everyone's interviews and conversations in the film are sending out the message that Ben is at stake, and that all the burdens and censures the world has placed on him, over and over again, deprives him of the opportunity to return to the arms of others, and will He is banished into the virtuality of the network. Heroes, beauties, perhaps such a simple fairy tale plot is repeated over and over again in Ben's mind, and the gap between the characters in the game and reality is precisely torturing his last self-esteem over and over again. Only the online time after waking up every morning will allow him to swap the virtual and the real. For him, the brutality and horror of reality are virtual and enduring.
The two characters pushed to the edge are both reborn under the moisturizing of love. They experienced the excitement of the momentary body and skin, forgetting all the fortifications and threw themselves into it. Jack is trying to create an alternate version of himself, without sin as a normal person. And Ben needs a simple belief to keep himself alive. He is a hero, but he is not accompanied by a mage in the "virtual" reality. "Seeing the Light". Maybe there are too many people in this world who are hidden in the dark and never come and go, and they take a step forward just to live and ask for nothing else. So did Jack, so did Ben. They can't even think to measure the consequences of all their actions.
Ben may still have a family harbour, even if that warmth can only be fragmented and not very beautiful in his sight. And Jack is completely helpless. I liked his room very much, the sloping roof cast a side of sunlight, and he heard his own destiny being changed again and again in such a silent situation. Exposure, threat, public nuisance. When his weakness is integrated with this simple environment, can he be more able to withstand all kinds of disguised hunting in this society? Movies often depict a person struggling between the past and the present, oscillating between the two personalities. But this experience of Jack seems to be in the process of transformation.
I have seen a lot of boys' films, depicting a boy who plays truant, has a peculiar withdrawn personality, has lost the love of his family or is out of tune with the world. The directors are especially good at depicting the boy's journey to school, as Ben shudders through the noise around him - the shadows of childhood play a big part in both films, and the flashbacks in Ben's mind are like what's happening now, Jack. The flashback allows the viewer to see all the unbearableness of the boy. Likewise, both films are about the underdog, being bullied, being bullied, and finally breaking out. Jack chose to play the world with violence, just as the world played him in the past; while Ben used the image to slap everyone in the face. "Leave but live", or leave completely. A glimpse of the path that fate has left for them can be seen in the way they "revenge" society.
Facing the sea, the blue sea. Both Jack and Ben chose to leap into the expanse. People praise the sea as a kind of inclusiveness, and only this place is the last place that the two can reach. People opened their arms and tried to embrace everyone, no matter how high or low. But when it is close at hand, the weakness of human nature begins to move out a set of self-created rules to filter out all "lowly" creatures. And the sea is so gentle that it almost foolishly accepts all those who flee to it. The fate of the two is so the same, and at this moment, they chose to "leave" at the same time, but made different answers to life. Ben is undoubtedly wise, some say he has fooled the media, but what is this bit of deceit when everyone is mocking him? I once tried to imagine how he could be free without such wisdom. This society will always lack the power of self-examination. People kindly hope that all evils and ugliness will fade away eventually, but they just don’t know that the disappearance of these evils and ugliness will devour goodness and beauty together. What other options do people hunted by society have? Nostalgic in this world that does not belong to you, or give up your life and embrace the vastness? Ben's wisdom belongs only to him, and perhaps the only one that can be released by this method is him, and for the group of people living in the corner of the world, it seems that only by piercing the eyes of society can they escape the hunt.
Kindness and tolerance under sermons circumvent the weakness and ugliness in everyone's heart. The two movies are just such an informative account of such a story - two people who have fled and sought different endings. But redemption does not come because of two very tragic stories. Those who are moved will shed tears or come to their senses, but the act of asking oneself does not happen when one is moved. When the real scene comes and all moral bottom lines collapse because of survival, when fallen creatures land in front of you, one is full of stains, and the other is humiliated and unable to fight back. Someone will put down all the fake faces, trample them indiscriminately, and complete the final round up? I don't know.

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Boy A quotes

  • Michelle: [showing her breasts posing for Jack's photograph] What?

    Jack Burridge: [laughing] You're fucking nuts. Carry on. Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!

  • Michelle: [about Jack's local hero news in the paper] Hey hero! Look what I've got!

    Jack Burridge: [embarrassed] Horrible, horrible.