Behind luxury is stupidity

Myles 2022-03-21 09:02:21

Look at the junk information all around us, the TV, the Internet, newspapers and magazines, no gossip, no entertainment news, it seems to be an entertainment era, handsome guys and beauties are eye-catching, but the things inside are just a vase It's impossible to attract two people by sex. After all, everyone will be

the same as a bachelor of philosophy. It's not easy to find a job. Not only in China, of course, people don't worry about food. The problem of eating at Peking University is the number one problem for Chinese people. Simon Pegg is still so stupid Mr. Bean, maybe the British like this look. The

movie is said to be adapted from the memoir of a Vanity Fair reporter. Indeed, the credibility is still quite high. From the birth of a star to the listing, there is a tight assembly line. As an audience, we only know how they are. The manipulator behind the scenery in magazines or movies rarely shows up. After watching this film, we feel that the halo of beauty has faded, and many handsome guys are not so aura. Empty photos

Maybe mainstream society is the popular society. You give me benefits and I help you report on the cooperation between reporters and celebrities. The only victims are the audience. Of course, these audiences are also willing, because their life is not only about the basic needs of life, but the pursuit of celebrities’ private lives is a success. One of the great pleasures of their spare time,

people 's curiosity can be said to be omnipotent. Look at the development of the entertainment industry in the past ten years. Various shows on TV What is the concept that they promote to the audience? One thing may be very useful for those star-studded people, but what you can squander is only for ordinary people in ten or twenty years? After all, body or face is given by God, and not everyone can rely on it to eat. How long can you squander like the nouveau riche in China?

How to lose friends? Just be silly or stupid----the best simple way

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How to Lose Friends & Alienate People quotes

  • Alison Olsen: You know what I don't understand? You're so desperate to get a story in the magazine, so why wouldn't you play ball with Eleanor, write the puff piece?

    Sidney Young: I just, I resent being bribed to gush sycophantically about a star. I choose to gush sycophantically.

  • Sidney Young: Hey, "keep true to the dreams of thy youth."

    Alison Olsen: Is that "Troy" again?

    Sidney Young: It's Schiller.