Thanks CCTV6

Duncan 2022-04-18 17:34:53

The film's lineup is still very attractive, but it was also seen by the film channel's exhibition at the end of 2008.
This is almost a love fairy tale book for women, but not suitable for children, all adult women will find resonance in the film for love and marriage. But the most touching moment of the film is at the end, when Old Jack emerges from the elevator from an old dude who always wears sunglasses to a sincere old man with a grey beard and a baggy jacket to visit his former young girlfriend. At that moment, my nose was slightly sour, no matter how time passed, I couldn't deceive myself, love is love.
But I still have to say that love ends up differently in life than in fairy tales.

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Something's Gotta Give quotes

  • Harry: I just have one question: What's with the turtlenecks? I mean it's the middle of summer.

    Erica: Well I guess I'm just a turtleneck kind of gal.

    Harry: You never get hot?

    Erica: No.

    Harry: Never?

    Erica: Not lately.

  • Harry: I've never seen a woman that age naked before.

    Julian Mercer: You're kidding.

    Harry: Hey! We're not all doctors, baby.