Don't toss

Ernestine 2022-03-23 09:02:24

In fact, this is a very good film, but after watching it, it is chilling. For the ending of this story, it is more American logic.
The United States planted Israel in the Middle East, brought them generations of war, and occupied Iraq on trumped-up charges, sowing the seeds of hatred in the Islamic world. Islamic people are not easy to mess with. Since it is impossible to shake a superpower like the United States on the frontal battlefield, it will warn and retaliate through terrorist activities. It is against this background that the so-called human bombs and 9/11 events occurred. Others don’t even want their lives just to mess with you, shouldn’t you think about whether you have done too much? It's certainly not something to be commended, but it's an American instigation. The Bible also says an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Americans should understand this truth.
When you bully people, you do all kinds of evil, and when others fight back, you start talking about the great love in the world. This is really the American version of not tossing.

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Traitor quotes

  • Omar: It's true what they say. War is the lesser Jihad. To overcome temptation, to live rightly, that is the great Jihad.

    Samir Horn: And is that what we've been doing? Did you ever ask yourself that?

  • Roy Clayton: [last lines - peace greeting] Al-Salamu Alaykum.

    Samir Horn: Alaykum Al-Salaam. And you should *start* the conversation with that.