we are all lonely

Jaime 2022-03-22 09:02:44

Loneliness, in fact, everyone is lonely. Is it possible to find reasons for the indifference and meanness shown by loneliness with the aura of genius? ! I also sympathize with Jacqueline, the whole life is for the cello, as Hillary said, they can't do anything but the cello. She relied on Hillary, she loved her, and when she learned that Hillary was going to get married, she said meanly, "You are not special at all". In fact, it was a kind of jealousy born of love and dependence. She is really lonely, she really lost herself, but she doesn't know how to return love while getting love. She fell in love with the cello because of being neglected, but lost her ordinary and pure happiness because of the cello. Because she couldn't get through the maze of her heart, she forced her way into the life of her sister, whom she admired and missed. Depriving her sister of the life and happiness she saw, but after all, it wasn't her. Although she could be her sister's stand-in, her mood and feelings were different, so loneliness was still lonely, and she was still confused. If not She finds a way out on her own, and she will never be happy. Although I couldn't stand her meanness, but in the end I had to admire her tenacious vitality. After she could no longer play the cello, when Hillary abandoned her, and when her husband left her, she remained strong. She is alive, painful but tenacious. In fact, in contrast, her loneliness and confusion are no longer important. When facing death, nothing is important anymore, but it also makes people see what is most important. Yes, just like Jacqueline always felt that no one loved her, no one really cared about her, but when she could only beat the little drum with her fingers, the audience still showed Jacqueline in their own way. Concern and blessing, when facing the god of death, Hillary returned to her, no longer standing in the crowd watching silently, but hugging her, just like that Jacqueline standing by the sea said to little Jacqueline Like "you'll be fine", she finally found a home, returned to Hillary's arms, returned to the arms of home.
I like Hillary better and understand Hillary better. She is also lonely and helpless. She used to be the focus of everyone's attention. She can also be jealous and sad, but she will give back. She knows what she wants How can she escape her jealousy and the indifference of others, so that she can take care of her sister with pure love. She can bear the pain, but she can't make her sister feel sad. Although she has been reluctant to stand in front of Jacqueline since then, she just wants herself to use pure feelings to maintain the sisterhood in her heart.
I like movies and watch classic movies, because we can always find our own shadows or dreams in images, and find things in our hearts that neither we nor others can see in reality. I just heard a piece of news that I don't know if it's good or bad. I'm a little sad, but I thought of a sentence. Let's end with that sentence: After being sad, still be strong.

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Hilary and Jackie quotes

  • Hilary: Mummy, everyone smiles for photographs.

  • Jackie du Pré: Typical. When you play everyone loves you. When you stop you're alone.