The Valley of Elah: Your Courage, and Your Paradise on the Rivers

Hailee 2022-03-23 09:02:23

Daoud takes off his opponent's visor and sees his own fear in that chubby face; the new crusaders march into the alleys of Baghdad without finding the legendary weapons of mass destruction; David, who is also chubby years later, The king, the concubine holding the golden cup in the arm, can't remember the fierce battles of childhood; and those who hold firearms and power will shed blood on the battlefield like their predecessors in the thirteenth century, and throw them into the river to turn into fertilizer. No tombstones and no tributes.

"Announce good news to those who believe and do good works; they will have many paradises with rivers flowing down paradises they will have pure spouses, and they will live in them forever." The authority of that paradise is open only to believers. The fate of the hypocrites is collapse and destruction, their fiery chambers and icy hearts, then the fire in hell will be as hot as the chambers of the guns, and the pits in which they are buried are as cold as the heart of death.

The Bush King pretends to forget, Obama downplays it, their citizens are silenced among the corpses of non-combatants, and children wake up in exotic terror, spreading more fear with horrific toys. The pretext for starting the war was the self-defense action of neoconservatives, but the opponent was not a giant on stilts. Later, everyone only remembered democracy and patriotism, and the "courage" of being a "fighter", and then survival, entanglement, Mind torture, but do not think about who you are.

You are aggressors, that's all. The Lord is on our side, and He will not shelter you. You won't see old Tom's sincere weeping, they'll mourn but won't really repent. A person who does evil without repenting cannot be called great, and he is doomed to pay a price in a country where he slaughtered without repenting. Please stop blaming yourself in anti-war movies, America. You drank the waters of Babylon, and burned the city of Nineveh, among those biblical names, please be prepared.

accept the final judgment.

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In the Valley of Elah quotes

  • Hank Deerfield: You got a minute? I need to apologize to you.

    Private Robert Ortiez: You got some real serious issues, man.

    Hank Deerfield: Yeah, that's true.

    Private Robert Ortiez: I got an honorable discharge, if you can believe it.

    Hank Deerfield: It's the Army, I can believe anything.

  • [last lines]

    Hank Deerfield: [runs up flag upside down]

    School Janitor: Just like that?

    Hank Deerfield: Just like that.

    School Janitor: It looks really old.

    Hank Deerfield: It's been well used.

    School Janitor: And I shouldn't take it down at night?

    Hank Deerfield: No. You leave it just like that.

    School Janitor: That's a lot easier.

    Hank Deerfield: Hm.