Wong Kar-wai and "Evil in the East and Poison in the West"

Wilfred 2022-03-22 09:02:40

Speaking of Wong Kar Wai, I can't help but think of Kim Jide. They are directors who always stick to their own line, stand out from the crowd, and never care what others say. Their films don't seem to be well received at the box office when they are released in theaters. The theater attendance rate It's not high, and many people even come out after watching half of it, but after a few years, people are tired of watching Hollywood-style commercial blockbusters and look back, only to realize how vivid their films are. In the process of this time, the people who pursued them have been pursuing them with the same perseverance and determination as they themselves. I think this is their charm - they do not pursue one-time hits, but one-time success after the release. The box office, but like the feeling of cold water brewing tea slowly thickening, allows people to discover what a really good movie is after time passes.
If Kim Ki-duk's films are a profound discussion of human nature, then Wong Kar-wai is a comprehensive analysis of the human heart. Wong Kar-wai's films always remind us of the dazed and slow scenes and the calm and meaningful monologues. When we first saw them, most of them watched them with a bizarre mood, but when we watched them again, we had a sudden realization or a sense of sudden resonance. Perhaps his film is to show us the essence of our hearts, but when he puts our hearts in front of us timidly and suddenly, we don't know anyone.
Directors like Wong Kar-wai are not like Zhang Yimou and Feng Xiaogang, who are eagerly watching the trend of the film market and the audience's preferences, so as to make commercial films that conform to the tastes of the public. The desire to communicate and talk and the impossibility of individual communication are based on the consideration of its commercial operation, and I personally feel that he doesn't seem to care about the box office of the movie at all, he only cares about people's hearts.
I watch films such as "Mong Kok Carmen", "The True Story of A Fei", "In the Mood for Love", "2046", "Chongqing Forest", "Breakthrough", "Evil in the East", "Blueberry Night", whether it is In Hong Kong, Buenos Aires, or in the deserts of ancient rivers and lakes, I always feel that there is something in common. It seems that Wong Kar-wai has made so many movies, just to convey a feeling of affection.

And "Dong Xie Xi Du" is his only martial arts film. It is said to be a martial arts film, but it is estimated that people who like to watch martial arts think it is bullshit. This is like the phrase in the movie, "Everyone insists on their own beliefs, but in the eyes of others, it is a waste of time, and that person thinks it is very important." Wong Kar-wai has always insisted on his own beliefs, No matter whether it is a waste of time in the eyes of others, as long as he feels that it is good to shoot like this.
"East" is a film made by Wong Kar-wai after he finished filming "The True Story of Ah Fei" and formed his own unique style.
Here is a piece of information about the film "East" that I found on the Internet:

Beginning in 1992, Wang Jiawei came to the location in the Yulin Desert in Shaanxi Province, and then spent two years shooting an "ancient costume martial arts film" "Evil in the East and Poison in the West" is also his only costume film so far. With the help of the shell of Jin Yong's martial arts novels, the film has been widely acclaimed through beautiful photography techniques and the use of unique lighting, as well as tangled tragic characters. On the one hand, the credit comes from the photographer Du Kefeng, on the other hand, it is Wong Kar-wai's in-depth expression of the concept of abstract time.
In 1993, Wong Kar-wai's "Evil and Poison in the West" not only took too long to shoot, but also had a serious budget overrun. Foreseeing the inability to complete the project in time and the fiasco at the box office in the future, in order to give an explanation to the investors, Wong Kar-wai and Zedong Company asked Liu Zhenwei, the producer of "Dong Xie Xi Po", to use the "Dong Xie Xi Po" before the Lunar New Year schedule. The original crew rushed to produce a low-cost investment "East and West Achievement" (only 27 days). Then many big-name stars were in the crew of "Evil in the East and West Poison" in the morning and in the crew of "East and West" in the afternoon. Liu Zhenwei said:
They were almost schizophrenic at the time. When they went to film "Dong Xie Xi Du", it was as painful as the death of a family member. When they returned to "East and West," they would be as happy as their wife had just given birth to a child.
In this regard, Liu Zhenwei also has a saying that Wong Kar-wai won the award, and he won the bonus.

As can be seen from the above information, although this "Evil in the East" was a fiasco at the box office, and even the loss recovered through another "East in the West", although it won the 14th Hong Kong Film Awards It was for the photographer Du Kefeng, the art director, and the costume designer, but after more than ten years, many people suddenly feel that "Evil in the East" is a classic movie.
Just like its English name, Ashes of Time, the ashes of time. When time passed quietly, we realized that this is a movie that can be placed at any time and will not be outdated. Even in the era of vertical and horizontal rivers and lakes, knights also have grievances and grievances. In the name of Jin Yong's novels, Wong Kar-wai gave ordinary people the love and sorrow of the all-powerful characters in the rivers and lakes, let go of the heroic characters' chivalrous courage and courage, and instead showed the thousands of turns in their hearts that are not easy to be discovered by people.

Dugu Qiufeng is the character that attracts the most attention to me in "Dong". Because I didn't understand it vaguely when I watched it for the first time, and in the end I didn't understand whether Murong Yan and Murong Yan were one person or two. When I watched it for the second time, I suddenly realized that every one of us who lives in reality does the same. Murong Yan and Murong Yan are just two forms of one person, or two souls of one person. You fell in love with someone who didn't love you, and fell into a contradiction. On the one hand, you fell deeper and deeper, and on the other hand, it was self-salvation. So the self, who is getting deeper and deeper, continues to be infatuated and sad, no matter what the result is, he is willing to wait. The self who redeemed himself forced himself to hate this ruthless man and became extremely irritable. Dugu Qiufeng is such a lonely swordsman who looks down on everything through self-exile by a person with almost split personality, and no longer produces any ripples in his heart - practicing swords against his own shadow, looks like a god, Lingbo microsteps, Luo Socks Sheng Chen, but look at her closed heart again, and never want to open her heart for anyone. Dugu seeks defeat, and the martial arts master who wants to be defeated and can't get it is just a weak woman who has been hurt by emotions.
However, the Dongxie Huang Yaoshi, who was loved by Murong from life and death, seemed to have a romantic life but also lived in emotional distress. The one he loves doesn't love him, and the one who loves him he doesn't love. However, the person he loves is Taohua, the wife of his friend (the blind warrior). In the end, the blind warrior turned against him, blinded, and corpse in the desert. His wife Taohua also lives in remorse and contradiction all day long. "The reason why people suffer so much is because their memory is too good." In order to escape all this, Huang Yaoshi drank the wine called Drunken Life and Dreams of Death, but everyone doubted that they could really forget everything after drinking that wine? Even if he forgets everything, then he is happy?
The only person in "Dong" who is full of sunshine, health, optimism and positivity without being entangled by pain is Hong Qi. Because he lived a simple life, he said, "I'm quick because I'm direct." The straightforwardness of doing whatever he wants has fulfilled his spiritual happiness, but he is all entangled in emotional entanglements with other superficial scenes. , Compared with those who speak insincerely, Hong Qi's love is as simple and sincere as his appearance. What a warm scene when Hong Qi was lying on a tattered hammock and being fed by his wife, Ouyang Feng felt jealous when Hong Qi finally took his village wife and wife to the rivers and lakes.
However, Wong Kar-wai gave such a vivid story to the story of "the beggar with nine fingers", losing a finger for an egg. Afterwards, he also told Ouyang Feng that if he heard of a nine-fingered hero in the future, it must be me. We can imagine how open-minded and optimistic Hong Qi is.
And Ouyang Feng is the one who connects the entire martial arts world. "East" unfolds the story from the perspective of Ouyang Feng, but it is also an important role in the story itself. At the beginning of the film, we see Ouyang Feng's vicissitudes of life, running a cruel business as a middleman. Slowly we see that his indifference and viciousness is also due to the feelings of failure. However, we can see his inner struggle, so he will say "it's you" to Murong Yan as Huang Yaoshi, and imagine his sister-in-law's hand and face under Murong Yan's touch.
In a desert, I always think of looking behind the desert, maybe there will be another world. And Ouyang Feng's heart was ashes, even desolate than the desert, he lost from the beginning. He said that in order not to be rejected, you must reject others first. He was afraid of failure, so he gave up moving forward, which was tantamount to giving up food because of choking.
So if you asked me if I wanted to go to the back of the desert, I would definitely say I would.
This is not the end, Ouyang Feng also knew that he was wrong, he drank the remaining half of the altar and returned to White Camel Mountain.

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Ashes of Time quotes

  • The Woman: Why didn't you let him know I live here?

    Huang Yao-shi: You didn't ask me to.

    The Woman: [sobbing] You are too honest!

  • Blind Swordsman: My doctor said I will go completely blind when I reach 30.

    Ou-yang Feng: So how old are you?

    Blind Swordsman: Almost 30.