What is the master?

Joelle 2022-12-15 21:18:42

Look at Ingmar Bergman, look at Kubrick, and look at Yang Dechang, everyone says they are masters and applaud their works! I see, I've been watching, damn, just two words, I can't understand!

I have been struggling with a question, what kind of person can be called a master? Is it possible to call him a master after doing a bunch of things that no one else can understand? Is it possible to be called a movie lover after watching these unintelligible films?

Everyone has an impact on the world through different expressions. And every simple truth must be expressed with so many obscure meanings, so it can be called art?

Damn, I don't like this kind of art! It's not that I don't want to work hard to understand the culture behind each meaning, but I'm tired of when every detail is given a meaning...

And Jamón, jamón, it inspires me again . Below are some of my personal thoughts about the film.

I like the bull sign standing in the open space where they always have sex, and when Jose pulled out the testicles of the bull with all his strength, I felt that Jose was pulling out the testicles of his rival.

In the final "bullfight", Jose, who was wearing a red T-shirt, and Raul, who was topless as a bull, had a final battle with ham. And in the end, Jose's death, in my eyes, is like the death of a matador, there is no doubt. A game of self-immolation.

When Jose, the scene composed of three pairs of people really revealed the intricate relationship between people in the film. Hexi's father put his arms around the dull-eyed Shi Weiya, and Hexi's mother bare her breasts, supporting her lover who was around her waist with one arm - the murderer of her son, and Shi Weiya's mother - —A prostitute with a particularly charming brothel, holding Jose's body, crying bitterly...

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