
Darby 2022-03-23 09:02:21

This film is still the same sentence don't take the right seat.

Movies are like life.

It maps more or less similarities in everyone.

Youth, rock, release, placement, settling,

work, true love, conflict.

These words are far less powerful than life and reality.

Who is sitting next to you, who you write about, who you have

loved, never loved, hated, or don’t care about,

anyone will have these plots. I am not the most miserable nor the luckiest person.

Control is not about the power of someone, but the distance, time, and space brought to you.

The amount of energy it can release, you have the ability to control the world.

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Control quotes

  • Ian Curtis: I don't want to be in the band anymore. Unknown Pleasures was it. I was happy. I never meant for it to grow like this. When I'm up there, singing they don't understand how much I give and how it affects me. Now they want more. They expect me to give more. And I don't know if I can. It's like it's not happening to me, but... someone pretending to be me, someone dressed in my skin. Now we're going to America. I have no control anymore. I don't know what to do.

  • Ian Curtis: I struggle between what I know is right in my own mind, and some warped truthfulness as seen through other people's eyes who have no heart, and can't see the difference anyway.

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