The film is ok, very entertaining~ Don't ask too much~

Garnett 2022-03-21 09:01:44

It's just a bit of a hodgepodge of plots, nothing special, and the transition is not very natural. As for the rigorous plot, superb director, etc., don't ask too much~ It's easy to take a moment and that's it . The

guitar killer sings well~ But who told him to be sent? What about killing the protagonist... hey~ it's a pity

"He looks very weak, is he going to die?... Appearance doesn't mean everything~ Let go~" It's funny here, but it's so miserable behind the punching man... It's a pity, who told me He's the hero's good friend... But the transition here is too blunt, I was just playing tricks, and I'll be sentenced soon!

The beauty in "Mulholland Drive" is so miserable! Getting on the train (this time it's cool)...hey~ it would be great

if the protagonist's tricks were a little more dazzling! The Russian chunks were still thrown around by the sailor suit, and the final battle was okay, the front was a bit mediocre. (Probably out of budget)

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Extended Reading

The Punisher quotes

  • Jimmy Weeks: [toasting Castle] To Frank Castle... the finest solider, the finest undercover cop, the finest man I've ever known. What am I gonna do without you?

    Frank Castle: Get a girlfriend.

  • Quentin Glass: We're even bringing the Sicilians in for old-time's sake.