Dawn of the Martyrs

Kayden 2022-03-23 09:01:58

Dawn of the Martyrs Polish writer Xian

Keweizhi in his masterpiece "Where are you going?" The following story is told in the story:

It is said that when the Roman tyrant Nero massacred Christians, the Colosseum was filled with the wailing of women and the roar of lions, the fire biting the body of the missionary on the stake, and the disciple of Jesus was holy. Following the advice of his disciples, Peter decided to secretly escape from the city of Rome - leaving the green hills, not afraid of running out of firewood. As he was fleeing, he suddenly saw the shadow of Jesus Christ, so he fell to his knees and whispered, "Where are you going, my lord?" He heard Jesus answer him, "You have abandoned my People, so I'm going to Rome and let them crucify me again." Peter got up and walked back on crutches. He re-entered the city of Rome, where he was finally caught... The final result is well known: he chose to be crucified upside down because he felt unworthy to die in the same position as the Lord...

And Sao Paulo was also taken to the execution ground, but took the steps of a victor. On the city of seven mountains where the setting sun was like blood, he raised his eyes to the sky and prayed with peace: "I have fought the good fight; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith. From now on, there is a crown of righteousness reserved for me..."

In China, which has never had any religious tradition, the word idealism has been gang-raped by political ideology and consumer ideology, so that it frequently appears in popular lyrics in daily life. , advertising slogans, gradually reduced to some kind of greeting card, text message-style pseudo-expression, and deprived of the actual content.

From the point of view of some historians, all this can be attributed to the sequelae of the "Cultural Revolution". During the ten years of the "Cultural Revolution", in order to survive, our nation has learned to open its eyes and speak nonsense and learn to treat everything that has been named. Indiscriminately go along with something "ideal" or "belief". As Kundera's novel said, "No one believes in them. When these nonsense were invented, there was no intention to teach people to believe."

Now, everyone can easily say that my ideal is XXX, As if it was just talking. The subtext is: Since it is an ideal and there is a gap with reality, there are steps to go down if it cannot be realized.

Few people realize that ideal is a very heavy word.

Zhou Guoping said that if a person is not an idealist at the age of 14, he must be horribly vulgar, and if he is still an idealist at the age of 41, he is too naive.

In the movie Diarios de motocicleta (Diarios de motocicleta), Ernesto Guevara in his early 20s and his friend Alberto Granardo leave Buenos Aires on a vintage motorcycle -

Plan: Travel 8,000 kilometers in four months.

Approach: Let it take its course.

Goal: Travel through Latin America we know in the book

(marry another Inca girl by the way?)

Before leaving, his father said to him, "Listen, Ernesto, if I were 10 years younger, I would I'll hit the road with you, I swear I will!" Of course, Ernesto Guevara later became Che Guevara, and his profile picture was repeatedly printed by all kinds of street gangsters who knew him and didn't know him. Logo on T-shirt. It's just that we should realize that his motorcycle trip in his 20s had nothing to do with politics and revolution, and it had nothing to do with the promotion of T-shirt printing.

All this film focuses on is idealism and youth.

Everyone has been young, but this does not mean that everyone has been young. Today, when idealism is generally ridiculed, too many people have gone directly from naive to accident and maturity. But this is your youth, you can grow up any way you choose.

For those who have been young and arrogant, I want to say that we all know each other that there are only two destinations for idealism: 1. Become a gentle and elegant wise man in the future. 2. Become a radical saint in the future. For the latter, it is tantamount to choosing a life that hits walls everywhere. Like Sisyphus, you resist life in vain, hitting the sturdy wall of fate with your bare head, either you retreat after breaking your blood and become a Confucian, the first type of person, or you persevere and eventually become irreversible on the cross of the martyrs.

Decades after the motorcycle tour, Che Guevara became the leader of the Latin American revolution. In the guerrilla wars in Congo and Bolivia, Guevara was almost unprepared and had no mass base. A group of madmen led a group of inexperienced young people to fight against the CIA and the Polish government army. His life-threatening behavior was not so much a revolution as a performance art (this is also his youth in Western society. reasons for having a fan base within a generation and an intellectual group). When the bullet in the jungle took his life, I wonder if this little angry youth who never grew up had a smile on his mouth and prayed calmly like St. Paul... I think he will still remember that time. A motorcycle journey that made him unable to remain mediocre in his life: the end of youth, the ideal on the road.

Some people ask, what is the use of idealism?

Sorry, it's of no use.

It can't be eaten as a meal, and it can't even help you get a horse.

It's just a young man's uneasy soul.

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Extended Reading

The Motorcycle Diaries quotes

  • Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: [voiceover] The goal: to explore a continent we had only known in books.

  • Alberto Granado: We land on the Guajira Peninsula. The tip of a great continent. Bellies full of wine and two tropical beauties, hopefully sisters.

    Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: That's good beer, huh?