please be serious

Kaleb 2022-03-21 09:02:18

I just watched the perfect drama "Justice" recently, and I happened to have "Legal Blonde 2" on IPTV, so I watched it. I still remember watching 1 when it was good.

Now watching 2, I feel like a "brainless beauty", and the more I watch it, the more disappointing it becomes. It should be said that there are still bright spots in the story, how to promote the bill in the United States. It's just that the film itself takes the comedy line (probably I'm too serious), and the plot is a bit old-fashioned (probably I watch too many films), so it's boring.

Written in Ganweisi in 8.10.3

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Extended Reading

Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde quotes

  • Elle: Hi everyone!

    Timothy McGinn: Look, it's Capitol Barbie.

    Reena: She's so shiny.

  • Paulette: Ooh... the bend and snap! I did that last night naked. I broke a window though.