The director did not hold a good theme

Kristofer 2022-03-22 09:02:07

In the post-Roman period, the divided Britain tried to unite against Irish rule. The Irish princess Isolde and Britain's first warrior Tristan are deeply in love.
History and love, conspiracy and betrayal, war and killing... A very good movie theme, but director Kevin Reynolds can't hold it!
The movie "King's Heart" is over, indulging in rambling love and crazy chaotic cheating, But it dimmed the grandeur of history and the heroic righteousness of the struggle for independence.
Compared with "Braveheart" and "The Wind Blows the Rice Waves" with the same background and the same theme, the
director's decisiveness of a film is clear at a glance.

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Tristan + Isolde quotes

  • Melot: You have one more fight, Tristan. Take deep breaths.

  • Isolde: I miss Ireland.

    Tristan: Isolde, this must end.

    Isolde: It's like asking me to stop breathing.