Death Sentence Aftermath

Cielo 2022-03-21 09:02:22

Since the state apparatus has failed, we have a reason to do something.

The contrast of the film is deliberately adjusted high, the black and white are clear, and the intermediate gray level is reduced
, so people who are not always in the middle may go to the white without going into the black

. The name of the protagonist is hume, listen. It looks like a human (human),
and the opposite is an animal----the gangster in the movie is called an animal. At the
end of the movie, when an animal and a human sit together, the animal says to the human
: you look like one of us.
Guns, there is a funny and helpless black humor in the atmosphere.

I don't know why the movie reminds me of 9/11.
When we are hurt for no reason, we instinctively want to hurt others.
This model of revenge seems to have been planted very early. No matter who the
revenge is against, what the consequences of
revenge are. The act of revenge itself can bring us comfort
. It is similar to a ritual that repairs a wound.
Once the ritual begins, there is no way to stop it and it
continues at the moment...

when When the protagonist is forced to park his car into a suburban gas station, the
foreground is a homeless man with a shopping cart looking for something in a dumpster. The
shopping cart, the homeless man, and the middle class meet at this moment.
They are all American . A representative product of capital society
About the homeless and the middle class, they have their own living quarters, and they can live without each other.
At this time, it seems who has stepped over the line. The atmosphere is tense
. When the homeless in the foreground pushes the car away, he is behind him. There are words like this on the wall - dead end,
which seems to indicate that from this moment the movie is heading for a dead end with no way out.
Death is coming at this very moment. The director
designed this to throw a question to us:
we believe that these homeless people and those gangsters are the products of the decay of this material world.
They live at the bottom and
they need to take revenge on this society .
A well-rounded wage earner.
His identity is not representative .
Or we would rather see retribution from an opportunistic politician or a financial tycoon who manipulates politics
. A deputy director of a company who has no concept of social construction.
He is a social elite only because he adapts to this society
, not because he deliberately constructed this society.
If this kind of thing happens to him, we will feel a little unfair
and take revenge . It becomes the only way out for our hearts
and because everything originates from a feeling of injustice in the chest, so we can't enter into discussions about social construction,
so we can't find the source, the vent can only end in death, and there's no way out

I would even like to think that the protagonist His office location is the World Trade Center. He became the index
of the World Trade Center. When the World Trade Center was destroyed, the series of anti-terrorism actions by the United States were just a venting of emotions that did not make much sense.
To this day, many American people have no way out
or even see the end of their anti-terrorism efforts. I found myself walking into a game of revenge and couldn't help myself.

Of course, like most stories, there is hope at the end of the story. The
protagonist 's young son miraculously survived.
We cleaned up everything and
left a pure world for future generations.

It is also very interesting in the setting of the protagonist's son. The
eldest son is better than the younger son.
The younger son has been living in the shadow of the older son, often showing a kind of anger towards reality, and
finally the older one dies and the younger one lives . Also, I think there is a big loophole in the movie setting, when the gang leader shoots the protagonist and leaves without a hit, which makes me logically uncomfortable. Make up for the two shots in the movie, it seems that the gang leader deliberately let the protagonist die, so if it were me, I would add the siren to the police when he was about to fire the second shot. Reasonable Overall, this is a movie worth watching. The above is purely personal opinion

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Death Sentence quotes

  • Nicholas "Nick" Hume: I'm looking for Billy Darley or any of his friends.

    [Sammy speaks in Spanish, and so Nick throws down some money]

    Sammy: [in Spanish] I said I don't speak English, you son of a bitch. Got it now, boss?

    Nicholas "Nick" Hume: [in Spanish] Maybe if I chop off that piece of shit you call a head... and sent it to your mother, she'd recognize you. But I doubt it, boss.

  • [after displaying guns for Nick]

    Bones Darly: Any one of these is bound to make you feel better about what's bothering you.