Extreme Potatoes

Constantin 2022-03-21 09:02:18

It can be seen that the screenwriter has worked hard to complicate the extremely simple plot in the first part in this sequel, and even used the president's life as a bargaining chip for conspiracy theories, but the helpless cube's hypocritical and portrayal has become a big failure . After breaking away from the symbol of extreme sports - skateboarding, it has become a downright hilarious drama, with famous cars and weapons, mixed with beauty and rap, except for the speed and passion, it is basically lackluster. Cube can't skateboard or skydive, he's a rapper who eats chips and milkshakes, and just gave us a high-tech weapon guide class.

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Extended Reading

xXx: State of the Union quotes

  • Darius Stone: How's the jaw, General?

    Gen. George Octavius Deckert: I think of you every time I chew steak!

    Darius Stone: And I thought of you every night I spent in prison!

  • Uptight Businessman: You got any advice for us?

    Darius Stone: Well, Dick, perhaps you could tell your members to stop buyin' country music, stop burnin' crosses, and stop shootin' black folks. Hear me? Now, if that don't work, try a cookout with free food. Preferably fried.