gained and lost

Webster 2022-04-12 08:01:01

Desire exists all the time.
To heaven, but also to hell.
However, desire is not guilty!

Kind and gentle husband, once desires,
although not all desires are very suitable for you,
but they have chosen the right time.

Fate, always born at the wrong time,
Giovanna stood at the crossroads of desire, unable to
distinguish the direction of heaven and hell.
Maybe, heaven is hell, hell is heaven,
it doesn't really matter, what matters is the price you have to pay.
The old man David saved a lot of people, but he lost his love and was in hell.

Happiness is the desire of the past.
Giovanna stood by the window, looking at her own desires,
and at the window, looking at her own happiness.
Desires flicker.
Happiness is only in front of you, and fragility is within reach.

Happiness is not perfect, just like desire.
However, we have to learn to cherish.
Cherish the happiness that has been obtained and
the desire that has been lost.
Although it has been lost, it also leaves behind memories,
"there will be a part of the soul that will leave to follow, this is the secret of memory".

Desires make people live,
but they also make people die willingly.

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