control. "Ian told me. This mad world. Nobody can control."

Blaze 2022-03-23 09:02:21

It was originally just a quiet town in England, a little quiet, a little obscure
, a teenager who was born in the 1950s, a little cynical, a little maverick, a

young and frivolous heart, and didn't stop until I met love and Debbie from falling in love to marrying was like overnight
Debbie is a girl with a golden shawl and a smile that looks like a baby
Ian uses rock and roll to express her inner dissatisfaction and resentment to find her own

territory I have no interest in it. It

happened at a concert that Ian met three like-minded partners who were also members of the Warsaw band who had been looking for a lead singer for a long time.
When the three proposed that Ian should be the lead singer of the band, Ian couldn't hide it, but it was almost impossible. After changing its name to Joy Division without hesitation

, the complete band started its own unique performance with indulgent and free attitude.
With the help of the manager, it made a huge whirlwind in the rock industry
. When watching Ian's performance, Debbie gradually drowned, waving his arms, shaking his body, screaming and shouting. In the crowd

When Ian sang [Dance Dance Dance] The small, humble stage really started all to him
When Ian wrote [She's Lost Control] I never thought I'd get the disease Epilepsy
this show Ian didn't list Debbie Invited list The love between them has gone to the critical
point Ian's absent-minded sentence on the phone [I love you, too.] Eyes drifting to another woman at the corner of the aisle

Annik The graceful French woman is always hanging Calm and shallow smile,
Ian and Debbie's already crumbling marriage adds to Annik's intrusion
Ian started giving his wife this hint awkwardly. Debbie asked [Is that means you don't love me anymore.]
Ian replied [I don't think so.]
Debbie walked forward and left Ian blankly
[Love will tear us apart] Debbie

finally found the existence of this woman, she walked towards Ian in a hoarse voice [I really love you. Nobody love you like me...]
But this At the time, Ian stepped back and endured his wife's hysteria and hung up tears,
believing that he had done a long psychological struggle and telling his wife [I love you. I'll finish with her.]

But when Annik appeared quietly in front of him, when Annik wants to know more. He
Ian said his favorite movie is [Sound of Music]
and his favorite color is blue because [Man City football team wear blue.]
That's how Ian let this woman into his heart

Annik said [I feel a little panic to fall in love with you.]
Ian's eyes flashed an imperceptible gray. He said nothing and did nothing and

left his wife with these words
[No need to fight. Give my love to Annik.]

The waves gradually subsided, but Ian's illness often flared up.
During a performance, he collapsed on the stage and twitched.
Everyone saw it but only he could feel the pain of losing control and he held
back The next mess , and the same mess of myself, back to that strange home, no wife, no kids, no people and things he loves, no warmth and comfort, I'm going to America, a wider world, Ian smoking a cigarette and writing all his thoughts alone He's confused, he's clueless, Iggy Pop's [The Idiot] sounds like he's mocking everyone Foaming at the mouth I woke up the next morning and Ian was in tears and lay on the cold floor all night and warmed himself with hot tears He grabbed the hemp rope on the pulley and pulled the loop down slowly There was a shattering sound and then Debbie came and lost his voice Screaming and then the rest of the band was devastated and then Annik's uncharacteristically sad expression and then black smoke that made an unpleasant irregular shape pierced into the sky as if there was another layer of haze in this town Ian told me This mad world Nobody can control.

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Extended Reading

Control quotes

  • Ian Curtis: I don't want to be in the band anymore. Unknown Pleasures was it. I was happy. I never meant for it to grow like this. When I'm up there, singing they don't understand how much I give and how it affects me. Now they want more. They expect me to give more. And I don't know if I can. It's like it's not happening to me, but... someone pretending to be me, someone dressed in my skin. Now we're going to America. I have no control anymore. I don't know what to do.

  • Ian Curtis: I struggle between what I know is right in my own mind, and some warped truthfulness as seen through other people's eyes who have no heart, and can't see the difference anyway.

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