The fat man said: Because you don't want to listen.
View more about Barton Fink reviews
Kimberly 2022-04-18 17:34:52
View more about Barton Fink reviews
Detective Mastrionotti: What do you do, Fink?
Barton Fink: I write.
Detective Deutsch: Oh, yeah? What kind of write?
Barton Fink: Well, as a matter of fact I write for the pictures.
Detective Mastrionotti: Big fuckin' deal.
Detective Deutsch: You want my partner to kiss your ass?
Detective Mastrionotti: Would that be good enough for you?
Barton Fink: No, I-I didn't mean to sound...
Detective Deutsch: What did you mean?
Barton Fink: I-I've got respect for-for working guys, like you...
Detective Mastrionotti: Jesus, ain't that a load off!
Detective Mastrionotti: Started in Kansas City. Couple of housewives.
Detective Deutsch: Couple days ago we see the same M.O. out in Los Feliz.
Detective Mastrionotti: Doctor. Ear, nose and throat man.
Detective Deutsch: All of which he's now missin'.
Detective Mastrionotti: Well, some of his throat was there.
Detective Deutsch: Physician, heal thyself.
Detective Mastrionotti: Good luck with no fuckin' head.
Detective Deutsch: Anyway.