Liar's Story

Leonel 2022-03-22 09:03:02

As a story about a liar, HUSTLE is relatively successful. Liars also have the morals of liars, which I appreciate the most. Many First Rules make people feel that liars are actually quite cute. The deception of many liars is deduced in the play, and there is no lack of family, love and friendship. In fact, money is secondary, love is eternal. Whether it's Danny's unsuccessful confession, the encounter between Stacie and his ex-husband, or the divorce of Michae and his wife, the uninterrupted emotional drama is mixed in, making the show closer to life.

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Hustle quotes

  • Mickey 'Bricks' Stone: Albert, what the hell were you doing in a church today?

    Albert Stroller: Gil Stewart died this afternoon. I was there at the end.

    Mickey 'Bricks' Stone: Oh God, I'm so sorry Albert. You two were like brothers.

    Albert Stroller: We worked Vegas together. That man was made for bright lights. Poor bastard - died of a stroke in a dental surgery.

    Mickey 'Bricks' Stone: Well, someone should sue them.

    Albert Stroller: Aye, he was pretending to be the dentist.

  • Mickey 'Bricks' Stone: [repeated line, by various characters] You can't con an honest man.

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