Knife in water or knife

Fidel 2022-03-22 09:02:28

The film starts off with a sense of unease, and the whole plot takes place in a kind of skirmish.

Thinking about the man was a bit of Hemingway. Probably because the story mainly takes place on the ship.

In fact, I found out early in the morning that this young man and this elder sister were in love with each other. Still, there is a desire to keep watching. In this ubiquitous psychological war, there is a moment that I pay attention to

, that is, when the young man blows the air bed, it is fast and powerful. Then the sister's heart sank.

The same is true of women. Women are generally known to be more delicate than men, and they will make use of this delicateness. This time, she used it all. But it's really sad, when his

husband said that to her, we should guess that this sister's life is not satisfactory, all material life is nothing more than some rich man's toys.

Young people are really stubborn, and it is difficult to communicate with such people.

Poland is actually quite close to China, but it is considered to be the West, and it is also a Western society. Taking a stranger out to sea probably only occurs in an open society like the West. If you

peel off the coat of this layer of culture, in fact, complex jealousy is displayed all over the world. This is the charm of the international language of film.

The scenery and music of the film are quite good, and the sailing knowledge of the crew is fresh and interesting. It is the women's glasses that were popular in Poland at that time that really can't make me wait for contemporary modern youth to compliment.

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Knife in the Water quotes

  • Andrzej: When I was an apprentice helmsman, we had a bosun - Krystyna, what was his name? The guy with the willow. He'd say: see that willow? It was an oak. If the bosun says it's a willow, it's a willow. "To the willow, quick march!"

    Young Boy: Shit. Excuse me. So much water in there.

    Andrzej: We'd sit on that willow maybe an hour at a time.

    Young Boy: On that oak.

    Andrzej: Willow, for us. And he made us go "cuckoo".

    Young Boy: Made you do what?

    Andrzej: Make a cuckoo sound. Like the bird.

    Young Boy: And you cuckooed.

    Andrzej: He wasn't all that smart but he turned us into men.

  • Andrzej: Better get back to that line.

    Young Man: Who are you ordering around?

    Andrzej: If two men are on board, one's the skipper.

    Young Man: Or the drill sergeant.