psychological shadow

Percival 2022-03-25 09:01:23

Parents often quarrel to the children's heart damage is huge, even if they look like other children on the surface, but their inner world will definitely change, the most typical symptom - lack of security.

They may appear more independent than other children, may wish to have more material possessions to ward off emotional mistrust, may be easily restless due to concerns about gains and losses, may be less social, and may be particularly entertaining for fear of being alone. Then they grow up and have a special sense of dependence on the wife or husband, but at the same time there is a sense of distrust, and due to these negative factors, the husband and wife start to fight again... Then, a vicious circle...

So, try to have children as much as possible Finished all the fights before. Or, install the bedroom door as a super soundproof door. If you are upset, you can go back to the house and pull your hair and twist your thighs. Just don't let the children hear. .

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Martian Child quotes

  • Liz: Listen, I gotta take The Omen One and Two to soccer practice, okay?

  • David: Uh, listen, Chief, I, uh... I brought you some sunblock. Very strong stuff. SPF 45, that's sun protection factor, and uh, helps you against the ultraviolet rays, which are, you know, they call them the UV rays. Anyways, it's hypoallergenic and waterproof. I'll just leave it for you.